
Protecting Natural Resources at the Community Scale

A multi-institutional research team is working to understand the vital connections between landowner concerns, municipal planning, conservation activities, and the ecology of vernal pools. The team, led by Mitchell Center Fellow Aram Calhoun, has created a new website designed to provide information on vernal pools. The site contains a variety of resources on vernal pool […]

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Mitchell student receives prestigious fellowship

Citing his innovative work on sustainable fisheries management at the Senator George J. Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions, Joshua Stoll of Harrington, Maine, a graduate student in the School of Marine Sciences, has been awarded a prestigious yearlong fellowship from the Robert and Patricia Switzer Foundation. Read full release.

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Kelley Quoted in Free Press Article on Proposed Searsport Dredging Project

Joseph Kelley, a professor of marine geology in the University of Maine School of Earth and Climate Sciences and Climate Change Institute, was quoted in a Free Press article on a proposed U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) dredging project in Searsport. The decision on whether to approve the project to dredge 929,000 cubic yards […]

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Ana Cecillia Mauricio

Uncovering Peru’s History

In the lower Chao Valley on the north coast of Peru, University of Maine graduate student Ana Cecilia Mauricio is uncovering history. Mauricio defended her thesis this past May and is expected to graduate from the University of Maine with her Ph.D. in geoarcheology in August 2015. Her research focused on an archaeological preceramic period […]

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Exploring Rogers Farm

As this past spring semester came to a close, researchers and students at Rogers Farm — the sustainable agriculture research facility of the College of Natural Sciences, Forestry, and Agriculture — were gearing up for another busy summer. July 16, the Sustainable Agriculture Field Day was held at Rogers Farm, which featured demonstrations by graduate […]

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Maine Autism Institute for Education and Research Benefits from New Funding

A University of Maine-based center that aims to improve outcomes for individuals with autism spectrum disorder through leadership, training, collaboration and research continues to grow with funding from the Maine Department of Education (DOE). The Maine Autism Institute for Education and Research (MAIER), recently was awarded more than $150,000 from the Maine DOE to advance […]

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PRI Cites CCI Researchers in Article on Climate Change Effects in Greenland

PRI’s “The World” mentioned two University of Maine researchers in the article, “Here’s what climate change looks like from the edge of the Greenland icecap.” According to the article, Greenland is melting fast, which is bad news for sea level rise and other effects of climate change. Glaciologist Gordon Hamilton, an associate professor in the […]

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