Marine Sciences

American lobster

DMC researchers test technique to determine lobster’s age

Research professor Rick Wahle and graduate student Carl Huntsberger are testing a technique at the University of Maine Darling Marine Center to determine the age of lobsters. Unlike fish, mollusks and trees, Wahle says lobsters and other crustaceans molt — or cast off their skeletons thereby discarding external signs of growth. That means a lobster’s […]

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‘Tides’ author to give talk March 1 at Darling Marine Center

Jonathan White will sign copies of “Tides: The Science and Spirit of the Ocean” at his noon talk Wednesday, March 1 at the University of Maine Darling Marine Center in Walpole. White, a mariner and marine conservationist, ran educational programs aboard his 65-foot wooden schooner, Crusader, in the 1980s. The Crusader was nearly destroyed in […]

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Steneck, USM students embrace ecotourism experience in Cuba

University of Maine oceanographer Bob Steneck snorkeled on a remote coral reef and sailed a tall ship off Cuba with University of Southern Maine students enrolled in a Winter Term course. Those activities were part of an innovative, team-taught, 20-day course — Navigating Change in Cuba: Sustainable Maritime Environments and Tourism Development — with lead […]

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Wahle welcomes world to spring lobster conference in Portland

University of Maine marine scientist Rick Wahle is co-chairing a June conference in Portland, Maine focused on the impact of the changing ocean environment and the global economy on the biology and business of lobsters. About 200 biologists, oceanographers, industry members and fishery managers from more than a dozen countries are expected to attend the […]

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Former Darling Marine Center researcher leads phytoplankton expedition in Pacific

Ivona Cetinić, a former researcher at the University of Maine’s Darling Marine Center, set off Jan. 26 from Hawaii on a 27-day expedition to study the health of phytoplankton populations in the Pacific Ocean. Cetinić, an oceanographer with NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center and the Universities Space Research Association (USRA), is working on board the […]

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Vine Street School grows Tank to Table aquaponics program

Cilantro, basil and kale, oh my! Vine Street School in Bangor harvested fresh herbs and greens grown in the lobby aquaponics tank for students and parents to take home for the holidays. Aquaponics is the combination of aquaculture — fish or other aquatic animals being raised — and hydroponics — plants being grown in water. […]

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Salmon eggs

Researchers help salmon farmers confront threat to their industry

It’s a mystery that has puzzled University of Maine assistant professor of marine biology and aquaculture Heather Hamlin and the salmon farming industry in New England: the decline in egg survival. The survival rate of fertilized salmon eggs had been as high as 80 percent. But beginning in 2000, salmon embryos began dying in large […]

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Student in research diving class

Nine earn scientific diving certification at DMC

Nine undergraduate and graduate students recently earned their scientific diving certification at the University of Maine Darling Marine Center in Walpole. Scientific divers use scuba or other diving equipment to study the underwater environment, says UMaine diving safety officer Christopher Rigaud. “Our students spend many hours learning about diving physics, physiology, equipment, first aid and […]

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Eric Morrison

Eric Morrison: Virtual reality installation brings sea farm to life

Next month, visitors to a new exhibit at the Maine Discovery Museum in Bangor will be able to don a virtual reality headset and become immersed in a fish farm, seeing a 360-degree, panoramic, 3-D underwater world created by University of Maine new media senior Eric Morrison. Wearing a VR headset, a visitor will be […]

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Steneck cited in National Geographic package on saving the world’s oceans

Bob Steneck is cited in the February 2017 issue of National Geographic magazine, which includes a package on the importance of saving the world’s oceans. The University of Maine oceanographer was interviewed for an article about conservation of Buck Island off St. Croix in the Caribbean. Despite President John F. Kennedy creating an 880-acre Buck […]

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