Marine Sciences

Waller’s talk about cold-water corals concludes DMC summer science series

Rhian Waller’s talk about Gulf of Maine cold-water corals at 10:30 a.m. Friday, Aug. 11 concludes the 2017 Darling Marine Center summer science seminar series. Waller, a University of Maine marine scientist and a fellow in the international Explorers Club, was featured in National Geographic Magazine in 2013 as a 21st-century risk taker in the […]

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CBC News quotes Steneck in report on urchin aquaculture

Robert Steneck, a professor of marine sciences at the University of Maine, was quoted in a CBC News report about the viability of sea urchin aquaculture. Sea urchin aquaculture research is underway in several countries, including the U.S. and Canada, and a new land-based sea urchin aquaculture operation by Quoddy Savour Seafood Ltd, in Pennfield, […]

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Watling cited in Live Science article on flesh-eating amphipods

Les Watling, School of Marine Sciences professor emeritus, was quoted in a Live Science article concerning the rare attack on an Australian teenager by tiny, shrimp-like crustaceans known as sea fleas, or lysianssid amphipods. The teen sustained hundreds of tiny needle-like wounds which bled profusely. The article states that anticoagulants produced by the amphipods could […]

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Morse, Stoll part of PPH story about Georgetown Aquaculture founder Pat Burns

Dana Morse, an ​aquaculture research​er ​with Maine Sea Grant, and Joshua Stoll, an assistant research professor of marine policy with the University of Maine School of Marine Sciences, were mentioned in a Portland Press Herald story about Georgetown resident Pat Burns. He​ co-founded Georgetown Aquaculture to help locals find alternatives to traditional fisheries. Morse has […]

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Gulf of Mexico seafood reps tour CCAR

Gulf Seafood Institute representatives wanting to learn how to jump-start an aquaculture hub in the Gulf of Mexico toured several facilities in Maine, including the University of Maine Center for Cooperative Aquaculture Research in Franklin. According to SeafoodSource​, ​the 24 fishermen, scientists and state officials explored successful aquaculture companies and met seafood farmers. Carrie Castille, […]

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Student divers earn awards

A University of Maine 2016 graduate and current graduate student have earned awards, according to Christopher Rigaud, university diving operations manager and Diving Safety Officer. University of Maine 2016 graduate Chase Brunton received the Dr. Arthur J. Bachrach Bonnier Dive Group publishing internship, sponsored by the Our World Underwater Scholarship Society. Brunton will produce content […]

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Learn about consequences, causes of coastal flooding at DMC

Jon Woodruff will give a talk titled “Coastal Flooding: Geological Insight on Causes, Consequences, and Solutions” at 10:30 a.m. Friday, Aug. 4 at the Darling Marine Center in Walpole. Woodruff, a sedimentologist and University of Massachusetts professor, studies mechanisms of sediment transport during extreme flooding, as well as how these high-magnitude, low-frequency events are recorded […]

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Jeremy Rich

Learn about deep-sea hydrothermal vents at DMC

University of Maine marine microbiologist Jeremy Rich will talk about fertile clusters of life flourishing on the dark deep-sea floor at 10:30 a.m. Friday, July 28 in Brooke Hall at the Darling Marine Center. Deep-sea hydrothermal vents — hot springs on the ocean floor — have fascinated scientists and the public since they were discovered […]

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