Marine Sciences


Community invited for coffee talk about oysters with DMC director

The public is invited to join Heather Leslie, director of the University of Maine Darling Marine Center, for coffee and a chat about the past, present and future of Maine’s oyster industry at 10 a.m. June 16 in Brooke Hall. The hour-long event is to celebrate the Damariscotta River oyster industry, its longtime connection to […]

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MIRTA team presentation

First five MIRTA teams showcase their discoveries

Five discoveries, including one designed to monitor the health of beehives using radar, were showcased by University of Maine faculty-led teams from the Maine Innovation, Research and Technology Accelerator (MIRTA) May 30 at the Foster Center for Student Innovation on campus. The five MIRTA projects are: A radar-based beehive activity monitor, developed by Nuri Emanetoglu, […]

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Beal, Skonberg to be among presenters at Green Crab Working Summit

Solutions to the green crab problem will be the focus of the two-day Green Crab Working Summit June ​6–7 in Portland. Brian Beal, a professor of marine ecology at the University of Maine at Machias, will provide an overview of green crab population dynamics. Denise Skonberg, an associate professor of food science and human nutrition […]

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Calhoun leads vernal pool workshop at DMC

Members of local land trusts and municipal conservation and planning committees attended a recent vernal pool conservation workshop led by wetland ecologist Aram Calhoun at the University of Maine’s Darling Marine Center. Calhoun, a UMaine professor of wetland ecology and conservation, opened the workshop with a primer on the ecology of vernal pools and their […]

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Coral reef

Study finds marine protected areas help coral reefs

Reports in recent years that marine protected areas (MPAs) aren’t effective in saving coral reefs from the damaging effects of global climate change have led some to argue that such expensive interventions are futile. But a study that spanned 700 kilometers of the eastern Caribbean reveals that MPAs can, indeed, help coral reefs. Robert Steneck, […]

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Shellfish farming workshop

DMC to offer hands-on shellfish farming workshop in June

The University of Maine Darling Marine Center in Walpole will offer an intensive, hands-on shellfish farming workshop June 25–29. The “Applied Methods in Shellfish Farming Workshop” is intended to familiarize participants with practical approaches to cultivate molluscs — including oysters, mussels, clams and scallops. Attendees will learn about hatchery methods and upweller and nursery systems, […]

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Famed oceanographer Sylvia Earle to lecture April 30

Famed oceanographer and explorer Sylvia Earle will present “Exploring the Ocean in the 21st Century” April 30 at the University of Maine. The public lecture, from 4:30–5:30 p.m. at the Collins Center for the Arts on campus, will include underwater film of her research and conservation efforts in many coastal and deep areas of the […]

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Follow a researcher

Students invited to Follow a Researcher on the coast of Maine

What do green crabs, ducks and crab traps have in common? How do scientists make sure data they collect are accurate? What is an invasive species and how can it be identified? This spring, University of Maine Cooperative Extension 4-H invites K–12 students from Maine and beyond to explore the science of tracking invasive species […]

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Register by April 23 for DMC natural science illustration workshop

The University of Maine’s Darling Marine Center in Walpole will offer a natural science illustration workshop July 16–20. Participants can develop skills to create scientifically accurate drawings, learn to blend art and science in the classroom, or develop talents to illustrate journals. Prior art training is not required. Instructor David Wheeler has been a teacher […]

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UMaine divers

Divers go face-to-fin with sharks in Atlanta

University of Maine divers Colby Johns, Elisabeth Maxwell and Hattie Train went face-to-fin with enormous whale sharks, rare bowmouth guitarfish, reef sharks, a sawshark, manta rays, wobbegongs and other fish from three oceans at the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta. The American Academy of Underwater Sciences (AAUS) scientific divers did so in February in the aquarium’s […]

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