Marine Sciences


Researchers use DNA in seawater to monitor scallop reproduction

Researchers from the University of Maine and Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences have developed a method for studying the timing of scallop spawning by analyzing the environmental DNA found in water samples.  The newly published study provides a tool for managing wild and farmed shellfish populations, and it demonstrates the promise of emerging eDNA approaches […]

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Media report UMaine receives $20M grant to learn about Maine’s aquatic ecosystems

The Associated Press, Mainebiz, Penobscot Bay Pilot and The Lincoln County News reported the University of Maine and The Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences will use a $20 million National Science Foundation grant to learn more about Maine’s aquatic ecosystems. Maine Public interviewed Michael Kinnison, an associate professor of marine sciences at UMaine and the project’s lead researcher, […]

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Maine coast

$20 million grant awarded for Maine Environmental DNA initiative to support coastal ecosystems 

A $20 million grant from the National Science Foundation EPSCoR program will fund a five-year initiative that aims to revolutionize environmental monitoring, ecological understanding and sustainability of coastal ecosystems. The University of Maine is partnering with Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences and other collaborators in education, government agencies, citizen’s groups and local industry statewide. “The […]

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President Ferrini-Mundy talks with Ellsworth American about UMM progress

University of Maine President Joan Ferrini-Mundy told The Ellsworth American that she’s optimistic about changes at the University of Maine at Machias since it became a regional campus of UMaine. Marine science programs, for instance, continue to be a staple. And new programs — including nursing —are being added. And starting next year, full-tuition scholarships […]

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Megan Driscoll presents at the Darling Marine Center

Students share marine science research at SEA Fellows Symposium

Megan Driscoll wants to replace plastic made of petroleum with plastic made of algae.  So this summer, the University of Maine intern made algae-based bioplastic and documented how it broke down over time in the Damariscotta River Estuary.   Driscoll, a junior marine sciences major from Chelmsford, Massachusetts, presented her project Aug. 6 at the fourth […]

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Graduate students to showcase marine research Aug. 16 at DMC 

Graduate students in the University of Maine School of Marine Sciences will showcase their research at 10:30 a.m. Friday, Aug. 16, in Brooke Hall at the Darling Marine Center.  Students will give short presentations on coastal community resilience, nutrient cycling in Maine coastal waters, ecology of bottom-dwelling ocean species, and Maine’s aquaculture industry. This free, […]

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McGreavy quoted in Maine Public report on clam fisheries

Bridie McGreavy, an assistant professor of environmental communication at the University of Maine, was quoted in the Maine Public report “After Last Year’s Poor Harvest, Mainers Work To Help Clam Fisheries Bounce Back.” Last year’s harvest of soft-shell clams was one of the worst in decades, due in part to closures of polluted flats and […]

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Aquaculture challenges, opportunities topics of Aug. 9 seminar

Damian Brady and Chris Davis will present “Aquaculture in Maine: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Seafood Production” at 10:30 a.m. Aug. 9 in Brooke Hall at the University of Maine Darling Marine Center in Walpole. The two will discuss using buoys that monitor water quality to find prospective sustainable aquaculture sites in Maine.  Brady is […]

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SEA Fellows

Student science symposium Aug. 6 at University of Maine Darling Marine Center

Ongoing research in aquaculture, wild-caught fisheries and Maine’s marine economy by University of Maine students and scientists, as well as industry and community partners statewide, will be the focus of the fourth annual SEA Fellows Symposium Aug. 6 at the UMaine Darling Marine Center in Walpole. The symposium, which is free and open to the […]

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