UMaine in the News

Media report on UMaine testing of Norway spruce for construction

The Associated Press, Bangor Daily News, Portland Press Herald, WABI (Channel 5) and WVII (Channel 7) reported scientists at the University of Maine are testing the strength of wood from Norway spruce trees planted by the Civilian Conservation Corp during the Great Depression. UMaine’s Advanced Structures and Composites Center’s students and staff are evaluating the […]

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New York Times quotes McCleave in article on eel migration, spawning

James McCleave, a University of Maine professor emeritus of marine sciences and an expert on eels, was quoted in a New York Times article on recent research about the fish. American eels spend their adult lives in rivers and estuaries from Greenland to Venezuela, but they share a single reproductive site in the Sargasso Sea, […]

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Hartford Courant reports on new financial aid program

The Hartford Courant reported on a new financial aid program at the University of Maine that is geared toward out-of-state students, including those from Connecticut. UMaine’s Flagship Match Program is a competitive scholarship program that guarantees academically qualified, first-year students from several states will pay the same tuition and fee rate as their home state’s […]

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Press Herald interviews Redmond about seaweed growth in Maine

Sarah Redmond, a marine extension associate with the Maine Sea Grant College Program at the University of Maine, spoke with the Portland Press Herald for the article, “With more varieties and growing demand, seaweed is Maine’s crop to watch.” Redmond, who collaborates with commercial seaweed producers such as Maine Fresh Sea Farms in Bristol, began […]

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Brewer quoted in Press Herald, BDN articles on Lewiston mayoral runoff

Mark Brewer, a political science professor at the University of Maine, was quoted in Portland Press Herald and Bangor Daily News articles on Lewiston’s mayoral runoff election between progressive activist Ben Chin and conservative incumbent Robert Macdonald. “I think the Lewiston mayor’s race is a microcosm of American politics as a whole right now,” Brewer […]

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UMaine students mentioned in Press Herald article on sake made in Kittery

The Portland Press Herald reported Blue Current sake, a rice wine made in Maine, is available for purchase in southern parts of the state. The Blue Current brewery was launched this year in a 2,300-square-foot facility in Kittery by Dan Ford, according to the article. Ford designed most of the equipment and students at the […]

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BDN interviews Armstrong about end of cranberry farming at Cherryfield Foods

Charles Armstrong, a cranberry specialist with the University of Maine Cooperative Extension, was quoted in a Bangor Daily News article about Cherryfield Foods announcing it will stop farming cranberries. The 2015 season was difficult, with prices dropping as low as 12 cents per pound for wet harvested cranberries, according to the article. Several of Maine’s […]

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UMaine report cited in Free Press article on climate change preparedness

The University of Maine report, “Maine’s Climate Future: 2015 Update,” was cited in a Free Press article on climate change preparedness. The “States at Risk Project,” a collaboration of the climate science news organization Climate Central and consulting firm ICF International, recently gave Maine a grade of D for the state’s efforts to prepare for […]

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