Parking lot to replace fraternity house, BDN reports

The Bangor Daily News reported the University of Maine plans to demolish the century-old Sigma Nu fraternity house this summer after the property association that owns the run-down structure hands over ownership. Since renovations costs have been estimated at $1 million, the association, which currently leases the house to another fraternity, decided its best option was to give the building to UMaine, according to the article. The university, which is trying to reduce its overall building footprint, will demolish the structure about a month after taking ownership, said Robert Dana, UMaine’s vice president for student life and dean of students. “Losing a fraternity and its house is a sad moment for UMaine and at this point, since fraternities and sororities are not interested in UMaine managing their properties, we were unable to consider other options for the building,” Dana said. The University of Maine System Board of Trustees approved the property acquisition and demolition project during a meeting last month, the article states. The university plans to convert the space into a parking lot, but has the option of developing something else there in the future, Dana said.