UMaine in the News

WABI talks with Langston at aquaculture summit

Anne Langston, associate director of the Aquaculture Research Institute at the University of Maine spoke with WABI (Channel 5) at the Maine Aquaculture R&D and Education Summit. About 170 people attended the third such summit at the University of Maine Hutchinson Center in Belfast. “There’s a lot of good infrastructure in Maine for aquaculture research […]

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WABI highlights artwork to be exhibited at UMMA

Pieces of art by students — from preschoolers to high school seniors from about 40 area schools — now on exhibit at the Bangor Mall will be displayed at the University of Maine Museum of Art in Bangor in April. “It’s definitely an opportunity that many students would not have to have their artwork publicly […]

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Cooperative Extension part of Ellsworth American piece on ending homelessness

University of Maine Cooperative Extension was included in an Ellsworth American story about a group that provides shelter and teaches skills to combat homelessness. The Families First Community Center in Ellsworth is a transitional house for families to live in while they take life skills classes and job training courses. University of Maine Cooperative Extension […]

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University Singers in Ellsworth American article about Bach celebration

The University Singers were included in an Ellsworth American story about a concert celebrating J.S. Bach’s 332nd birthday at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, March 18, at St. Francis by the Sea Episcopal Church in Blue Hill. Organist Ray Cornils will be joined by the Blue Hill Bach chorus and members of the University of Maine University […]

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Camire source for Ars Technica’s story on Subway chicken test

Mary Ellen Camire, professor of food science and human nutrition, was an expert source in an Ars Technica story about a recent CBC piece that indicated the chicken in Subway sandwiches could be about 50 percent chicken. “The CBC’s story would not dissuade me from getting a chicken sandwich at Subway if I wanted one,” […]

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Eos features Bohleber’s Kilimanjaro findings

Pascal Bohleber’s findings about ice thickness on Mount Kilimanjaro are featured in Eos, a publication of the American Geophysical Union. Bohleber is an adjunct research assistant professor at the Climate Change Institute. In 2015, he led a team that — for the first time — took ground-penetrating radar to Kilimanjaro’s 6,000-meter-high summit. “It’s like an […]

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Chen stock assessment model focus of Fishermen’s Voice story

The March issue of Fishermen’s Voice includes a story on a new shrimp stock assessment model developed by professor Yong Chen and postdoctoral research associate Jie Cao. This spring, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission will adopt the stock assessment model for shrimp that takes into account the complex life history, environmental conditions and the […]

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Wahle sheds light on 2016 record lobster haul

Rick Wahle, research professor at the University of Maine Darling Marine Center, was an expert source for several stories about the record value of the 2016 lobster haul. Lobsters totaling nearly 131 million pounds that were caught last year had a total worth of $533 million at the docks, which exceeded the 2015 record by […]

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Pulse Morning Show interviews Abedi about wireless leak detection system on ISS

Ali Abedi, a professor of electrical and computer engineering at the University of Maine, was a recent guest on the Pulse Morning Show (WZON AM 620). Abedi, director of the Wireless Sensing Laboratory (WiSe-Net Lab) on campus, spoke about the wireless leak detection system he developed with other UMaine researchers and students. The system is […]

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UMaine study cited in Press Herald editorial on Maine’s state parks

A 2005 study conducted by researchers with the University of Maine’s Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center was cited in the Portland Press Herald editorial, “Don’t mess with success at Maine’s state parks.” The editorial states that the study found “a staff emphasis on providing high-quality visitor experiences” contributes to “consistently high visitor satisfaction ratings.”

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