UMaine in the News

Fiddlehead Focus spotlights food preservation workshops in the County

The Fiddlehead Focus advanced the University of Maine Cooperative Extension food preservation workshops in July in Houlton, Madawaska and Presque Isle. For more information or to request a disability accommodation, contact Sharon Paradis at 834.3905, 1.800.287.1421, Registration is online.

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The Conversation publishes Socolow piece about chilling effect on media

The Conversation ran Michael Socolow’s piece “Investigating the investigative reporters: Bad news from Down Under,” that details the chilling effect that law enforcement can have on journalists. The University of Maine media historian noted the June 5 raid at the headquarters of the Australian Broadcasting Company, and referenced journalists who revealed American soldiers’ slaughter of […]

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ABC News interviews Blackstone about child-free women

ABC News interviewed Amy Blackstone, a professor of sociology at the University of Maine, for its story “Are child-free, single women really happier? An author’s claim sparks debate.” The story was in response to Paul Dolan’s book “Happy Ever After,” in which the London School of Economics professor of behavioral science asserted women without kids […]

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AgrAbility, 4-H professionals talk with Tory Ryden on Positively Maine

University of Maine 4-H and Maine AgrAbility professionals participated in the WGAN radio podcast Positively Maine with Tory Ryden to discuss the 4-H experience and Maine AgrAbility. They included Dick Brzozowski, food system program administrator with University of Maine Cooperative Extension and project director for Maine AgrAbility; Lisa Phelps, University of Maine Cooperative Extension interim […]

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BDN highlights Magic Lantern Innovation Lab and Learning Center

The Bangor Daily News wrote about the Maine 4-H Foundation raising $4 million to buy the Magic Lantern theater and pub in Bridgton to create the Magic Lantern Innovation Lab and Learning Center. University of Maine Cooperative Extension instructors will lead learning programs for youth ages 5–18 in the western Maine Lakes Region, according to […]

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Dillard president cites hazing research in Times-Picayune column

Dillard University President Walter Kimbrough’s column in The Times-Picayune about ending hazing referenced a 2008 University of Maine study by Elizabeth Allan and Mary Madden that found 47 percent of students entering college had already experienced hazing. Kimbrough advocated creating a broad coalition in middle schools to provide intensive hazing education, “just like we are […]

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Dill talks with News Center Maine about black fly season

Jim Dill told News Center Maine that Maine’s colder, longer winter has, in effect, concentrated the black fly season. The Cooperative Extension associate program administrator says all 40 or so species are out in force in heavily wooded areas and by the water, where they breed.

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Pen Bay Pilot, Republican Journal publicize fall registration at Hutchinson Center

Pen Bay Pilot and Republican Journal announced that registration is open for more than 300 fall undergraduate and graduate courses — both live and via distance education — at the University of Maine Hutchinson Center in Belfast. Need-based scholarships are available for new and continuing students. If interested, contact Nancy Bergerson, 338.8049,

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