UMaine in the News

UMaine Mascot Noted in Report

A Portland Press Herald report about Maine Day at Fenway Park noted the appearance of UMaine mascot Bananas the Bear. Maine Day was held Sunday during a Red Sox game at the stadium. Contact: Jessica Bloch, 207-581-3777

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Researcher Mentioned in Story About Technology and Teaching

UMaine education researcher Maja Wilson was mentioned in a report on the Inside Higher Ed website about the connections between technology and teaching. In an exchange taken from a listserv, the Inside Higher Ed author said Wilson summed up an argument about how best to use technology in the teaching of writing. Contact: Jessica Bloch, […]

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Dill expertise noted in Sunday Telegram

Comments from Jim Dill, a pest management specialist on the UMaine Cooperative Extension faculty, were included in a Maine Sunday Telegram story about steps homeowners can take to blunt the impact of backyard pests.  Dill advises that homeowners take care to limit opportunities for ticks, mosquitoes and other insects to infest their yards.

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Brewer comments in Snowe re-election story

Prof. Mark Brewer of the UMaine political science faculty was interviewed for a Capitol News Service story published in the Bangor Daily News.  The story details U.S. Sen. Olympia Snowe’s plans to stand for re-election in 2012.

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Peterson Racetrack Work Noted

UMaine Libra Foundation Professor of Engineering Michael “Mick” Peterson was mentioned in a report on the Daily Racing Form website about the reopening of the Santa Anita horse racing track in California. The track’s surface underwent a renovation and Peterson administered the testings of soil samples from the track in an on-site lab. Contact: Jessica […]

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Blueberry Specialist Comments on Blueberry Season

David Yarborough, a blueberry specialist with UMaine Cooperative Extension, was interviewed on Bangor’s WLBZ television about the forecast for the blueberry crop. Yarborough told the interviewer the crop could suffer if the region does not get more rain in the coming weeks. Contact: Jessica Bloch, 207-581-3777

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Theater Student in Story About Summer Youth Series

UMaine student Nick Lorenzen was quoted in a story on the Nashoba Publishing website about a young-adult summer theater series in Massachusetts. Lorenzen, a sophomore, is directing a comedy at this year’s camp, and commented that theater brings people together and provides an outlet for people. Contact: Jessica Bloch, 207-581-3777

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Extension Specialists Comment on Garlic Plant Diseases

Steven Johnson and David Fuller of UMaine Cooperative Extension commented in a Lewiston Sun Journal story about the impact in Maine of destructive diseases that can decimate a garlic crop. Johnson, a crops specialist, said one disease has been confirmed on one farm, and another disease has been noted in three farms. Fuller warned that […]

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Report on UMaine Assessment of Blueberry Crop

The Bangor Daily News reported from UMaine research facility Blueberry Hill Farm in Jonesboro that the 2011 blueberry crop could be well below average if the region continues to remain dry. UMaine blueberry specialist and horticulture professor David Yarborough said moisture levels — too much or the lack of it — is the biggest factor […]

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Family Relations Researcher Comments on Nuclear Families

Robert Milardo, UMaine professor of family relations, was quoted in a Lewiston Sun Journal report about U.S. Census rates that show there are fewer nuclear families living in Maine. Milardo told the newspaper the increasing numbers of single men raising children without spouses is interesting because traditionally, single-parent fathers have had difficulty maintaining involvement with […]

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