UMaine in the News

Tourism Study Noted in Cruise Ship Story

A 2008 UMaine study about the impact of cruise ship tourism in Maine was noted in a Portland Press Herald story about a new cruise ship pier in Portland. The study, by UMaine economists Todd Gabe and James McConnon, estimated that every 47,000 passengers generate 69 to 96 jobs in the local economy. Contact: Jessica […]

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VOA Radio Features on Cod Academy

Cod Academy, a year-long program in Maine that was launched by the Maine Aquaculture Association in partnership with UMaine and others, was featured in a Voice of America radio report. The academy teaches students who to manage a floating fish farm. Contact: Jessica Bloch, 207-581-3777

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Bayer in lobster shipping story

Prof. Bob Bayer, executive director of the Lobster Institute at UMaine, was interviewed this week for a WVII television story about a new initiative involving some Maine lobster distributors.  Those businesses are shipping lobsters to China, for a premium price.  Bayer points out that shipping such distances is complicated and costly, requiring specialized containers and […]

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Extension Educator’s Comments in Apple Story

Comments from UMaine Cooperative Extension Educator Renae Moran were included in a Portland Press Herald report about this year’s apple crop in Maine. Moran said growers lost 10 percent of fruit due to high winds from last month’s Hurricane Irene, but most Maine orchards have a large apple crop that is ripening on schedule. Contact: […]

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Fried Column on 10th Anniversary of 9-11 Attacks

Wednesday’s Bangor Daily News included an editorial column by UMaine political scientist Amy Fried, who wrote about how people remember major events such as the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. Fried wrote that it is important to remember such events within a broader context, and to not do so marks a lack of intellectual and civic […]

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Website Notes UMaine Role in Greenland Research

The website had a story about a recent study, which included UMaine research, that looked at drill cores taken from Greenland’s ice sheet to determine that Earth’s climate is capable of very rapid transitions. UMaine Ph.D. candidate Aaron Putnam contributed research to the project, which was led by Cardiff University in Wales, U.K. The […]

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German Professor in Newspaper Story About Play

Anette Ruppel Rodrigues, a UMaine adjunct faculty member in German, was mentioned in a Bangor Daily News story about a play being performed starting Friday at Hauck Auditorium on the UMaine campus. Rodrigues translated the play, “The Hessian Officer in America,” from the original German into English. Contact: Jessica Bloch, 207-581-3777

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Extension’s Garland in TV 2 Report on Fall Gardening, Lawn Care Tips

University of Maine Cooperative Extension horticulturist Kate Garland was interviewed for a Channel 2 (WLBZ) news report on fall gardening and lawn care tips as fall weather turns cooler and area residents prepare to put their gardens to bed for winter. She suggests pulling weeds to prevent a weed seed bed from becoming established and […]

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Extension Mentioned in Report on Potato Crop

UMaine Cooperative Extension was mentioned in a Bangor Daily News story about projections for the fall Aroostook County potato crop. According to Extension, the story said, late blight was found in potato fields in Bridgewater, Caribou, Fort Fairfield, Limestone and Caswell. Contact: Jessica Bloch, 207-581-3777

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Newspaper Notes Professor Rating Research

Toronto’s Globe and Mail newspaper had a story about the correlation between online ratings of professors and official evaluations of professors’ teaching. The story noted research published in 2007 by Ted Coladarci and Irv Kornfield, who compared rating systems for UMaine professors and found a strong correlation between the two systems. Coladarci is a professor […]

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