Forestry and the Environment

Newsom discusses Center for Braiding Indigenous Knowledges and Science in ‘On Point’ segment

WBUR interviewed Bonnie Newsom, University of Maine associate professor of anthropology, about the Center for Braiding Indigenous Knowledges and Science (CBIKS) for a segment of the show “On Point.” The center, based at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, will conduct transdisciplinary, placed-based research projects that intertwine Native and Western knowledge systems in collaboration with Indigenous […]

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‘The Maine Question’ podcast returns with new video format

“The Maine Question,” a podcast that explores research, outreach and campus life at the University of Maine, returns for its ninth season in a brand new video format.  In addition to traditional audio recordings, podcast listeners can now watch host Rost Lisnet and his guests discuss various issues affecting Maine, the U.S. and the world, […]

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Media highlight award for School of Forest Resources

The Piscataquis Observer and highlighted the Maine Timber Research & Environmental Education Foundation announcing that University of Maine School of Forest Resources won the 2023 Austin H. Wilkins Forest Stewardship Award. The award, given in partnership with the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry, recognizes those who have managed working forests in the […]

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A photo of people standing in the woods, looking at trees

UMaine researchers partnering with UMass on $30 million NSF Science and Technology Center focused on braiding Indigenous knowledges and science 

Indigenous communities worldwide are facing the effects of climate changes, threats to their food supplies and the potential destruction of historically and culturally significant places. Using Indigenous knowledge and Western science, University of Maine faculty will devise new ways to tackle these pressing issues through a new research center based at the University of Massachusetts […]

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Daigle speaks to Maine Monitor about muddy conditions’ impact on ATV enthusiasts

The Maine Monitor interviewed John Daigle, a University of Maine professor of forest recreation management, about how muddy conditions will impact ATV recreationists in Maine. Daigle said Maine’s unique recreation structure, where public trails pass through private land, requires special attention from outdoor recreationists to take care of the trails and maintain access from landowners. […]

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Weiskittel speaks to PPH about forest fires

The Portland Press Herald interviewed Aaron Weiskittel, director of the Center for Research on Sustainable Forests and professor of forest biometrics and modeling at the University of Maine, for an article about research looking at how wildfire smoke fuels climate change. Weiskittel told the PPH that while Maine will be impacted by the smoke produced […]

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Washington Post interviews Leahy about shifting baselines

The Washington Post spoke to Jessica Leahy, professor of human dimensions of natural resources at the University of Maine, about “shifting baselines,” the new normal of ecosystems as the environment is degraded over generations. Speaking of the 600 acres of forest Leahy manages, she said, “The ground isn’t freezing in the winter, the mud season […]

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UMaine hosting Cellulose Nanomaterials Researchers Forum Aug. 22–24

The University of Maine Process Development Center is hosting a three–day Cellulose Nanomaterials Researchers Forum Aug. 22–24. Attendees will hear updates from researchers who are developing new applications for cellulose nanomaterials and from companies that are using them. There will also be a rapid fire Q&A session with the presenters and student poster presentations. Also […]

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