Forestry and the Environment

FOX 22 highlights federal funding for UMaine bioproducts research

WFVX TV (FOX 22 Bangor) promoted $745,000 in federal funding for a University of Maine research project to accelerate the transition from plastic to a more sustainable, recyclable and biodegradable forest-based packaging for consumer products. This will be achieved through rapid prototyping and the development of a pilot scale production of high-value molded pulp products.

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Maine Monitor cites UMaine research on road salt

In a story titled “How pesticides, road salt threaten Maine’s water supply,” The Maine Monitor cited a 2022 University of Maine study which found that Maine used 493,000 tons of road salt in 2019-20, equal to roughly 787 pounds of salt for every resident. The evidence of many different pollutants found in road salt can […]

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AMC working with UMaine and others to examine mercury in dragonfly larvae

Appalachian Mountain Club scientists collaborated with partners from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the National Park Service, Dartmouth College, and the University of Maine to examine how mercury bio-accumulates in dragonfly larvae sentinels. This research shows how much mercury is in a given ecosystem, based on differences in habitat across the country.

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UMaine joins study on pastures in Northeast

The Multistate Research Fund Impacts Program reported that the University of Maine’s School of Food and Agriculture is participating in a study on pastures in the Northeastern U.S. Scientists have made discoveries about the health benefits of pasture-produced milk, which could increase demand and prices and help dairies stay in business. The project includes Cornell […]

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Leahy speaks to WFVX about wood banks in need

Jessica Leahy, University of Maine Henry W. Saunders Distinguished Professor in Forestry, spoke with WFVX (Channel 7) about wood banks needing support as they become established. “All of the existing wood banks are distributing their wood almost as quickly as they can produce it and dry it,” she said. Leahy also discussed the assistance she […]

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Morning Ag Clips highlights award for School of Forest Resources

Morning Ag Clips highlighted the University of Maine School of Forest Resources receiving the Austin H. Wilkins Forest Stewardship Award. The award, which recognizes the impact of the school’s teaching and research on Maine’s working forests, was given by the Maine TREE Foundation in partnership with the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry.

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Press Herald notes UMaine role in tech hub for Maine’s forest bioproducts

In an article titled “Innovation in food packaging boosts Maine’s struggling forest industries,” the Portland Press Herald noted that the University of Maine is a partner for Maine’s Forest Bioproducts Advanced Manufacturing Tech Hub., the New Hampshire Union Leader, the Rome News-Tribune and shared the Press Herald report.

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‘The Maine Question’ asks if Maine become a global pioneer in renewable energy and infrastructure

Finding possible solutions to the nation’s ailing infrastructure, affordable housing deficit and renewable energy needs is all in a day’s work for the University of Maine Advanced Structures and Composites Center (ASCC).  At Maine’s largest university-based research facility, faculty, staff and many students are feverishly developing new materials and technologies to help address national and […]

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BioHome3D receives prestigious national Award at CAMX 2023 in Atlanta

Editor’s note: This story was updated on Nov. 2.  BioHome3D, the first ever 3D-printed house made entirely with bio-based materials, has been honored with the Combined Strength Award at the 2023 CAMX Conference in Atlanta.  This award recognizes a product that embodies the spirit of collaboration and innovation through the use of composite materials. CAMX, […]

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