Forestry and the Environment

Helping Farmers Make Informed Soil Health Decisions Focus of Mallory’s Research

Ellen Mallory, a sustainable agriculture specialist with the University of Maine Cooperative Extension and a professor in the School of Food and Agriculture, is leading a project that aims to help inform farmers’ decisions about adopting soil health strategies. The yearlong project, “Building knowledge, skills and networks for soil security in Maine,” received a $44,442 […]

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Falkland Islands

UMaine Researchers to Travel to Falkland Islands

Learning more about the biodiversity of the Falkland Islands and what can be done to preserve it is the focus of a planned trip for three University of Maine researchers. Jacquelyn Gill, an assistant professor of paleoecology and plant ecology in the University of Maine’s School of Biology and Ecology and Climate Change Institute (CCI), […]

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Spruce Budworm Outbreak Preparation Focus of UMaine Conference

To help forest managers prepare for the next spruce budworm outbreak, the University of Maine’s Cooperative Forestry Research Unit (CFRU) is hosting a Spruce Budworm Workshop on Thursday, Oct. 30 at the Wells Conference Center. Nearly 150 foresters from more than 25 CFRU member organizations will attend the conference to hear about the latest research […]

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Three Students Receive Top Honors in Forestry, Wildlife Ecology

Lara Katz, a senior from Arlington, Virginia majoring in wildlife ecology, with minors in anthropology and psychology, is this year’s Robert I. Ashman Scholar, the top academic award in UMaine’s forest resources and wildlife programs. Growing up in the suburbs of Washington D.C., Katz began her wildlife career volunteering at the Smithsonian National Zoo where […]

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UMaine Scientists Developing Green Adhesive Made of CNF, as Well as a Plant to Produce Large Quantities of Wood-Based Fibers

University of Maine researchers have been awarded $700,000 to develop eco-friendly particleboard panels with adhesive made of cellulose nanofibrils (CNF), as well as design a commercial-scale plant to manufacture the CNF. With one $350,000 grant, UMaine scientists Mehdi Tajvidi, William Gramlich, Doug Bousfield, Doug Gardner and Mike Bilodeau, as well as John Hunt from the […]

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CLAS Conference to Prep Community Planners on Ways to Cope with Climate Change

Editor’s note: For more information on the CLAS Conference, visit the conference website. Registration is available online. Old-timers sharing childhood stories about growing up in Maine sometimes recount hiking 10 miles uphill in 3 feet of snow to get to school — and home. Turns out those tales, of Maine winters anyway, might not be […]

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Past, Present Hemlock Declines Focus of UMaine Research Project

The impact that hemlock tree die-offs have had — and continue to have — on freshwater forest ecosystems is the focus of a research project at the University of Maine. Hamish Greig, a UMaine assistant professor of stream ecology, and Jacquelyn Gill, an assistant professor of terrestrial paleoecology at the Climate Change Institute (CCI) and […]

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USDA Grant Funds Study of Caliciopsis Canker in White Pine

William Livingston, School of Forest Resources, has received a more than $77,700 U.S. Department of Agriculture grant to study Caliciopsis in white pine. Many white pine stands in southern Maine and New Hampshire have suffered from declines and diebacks in the past 15 years. A fungal disease, Caliciopsis canker, has been frequently observed in these […]

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Hanes, Grad Student to Study Influential Factors of Diversifying Pollination Sources

Samuel Hanes, an assistant professor of anthropology, received a $28,444 grant from the National Science Foundation for the proposal, “Social capital and policy networks: Exploring the factors that influence adoption of pollinator conservation.” The project aims to better understand obstacles and influential factors growers face when attempting to diversify pollination sources. According to the proposal, […]

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