Cooperative Extension

Late Blight: Grower and Farm Stand Alert

Contact: Jim Dill, (207) 949-2155 Potato late blight, the disease that caused the significant crop losses for tomatoes and potatoes in Maine last year has just been confirmed at a sight in Waldoboro, and several other suspected sites are now being investigated.  Typical symptoms will be a water-soaked grease spot on foliage with a fine white […]

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Pest-Management Specialist Available to Discuss Japanese Beetle Control

Contact: Professor Jm Dill at (207) 581-3879; George Manlove at (207) 581-3756. ORONO — UMaine Cooperative Extension educator and pest management specialist Jim Dill is available to discuss effective ways to deal with garden insects such as Japanese beetles and other insects that chew away at gardens. Dill says this year appears likely to be […]

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UMaine Food Scientist Offers Summertime Fresh Food, Safe Handling Tips

Contact: Beth Calder, (207) 581-2791 ORONO — The season is here for consumers to take their pick from the bounty of fresh, locally grown produce at farmers markets. To help ensure proper food handling practices by farmers and vendors, University of Maine Cooperative Extension Food Science Specialist Beth Calder has compiled a fact sheet. A […]

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Extension Volunteer Program Helps Older Adults Ease Falling Fears

Contact: Deb Eckart, (207) 255-3345 MACHIAS, Maine — For many older adults, a fear of falling can steadily decrease their physical activity, well-being and independence. At a minimum, their quality of life is jeopardized. “Falling is a fact of life. As we age, it’s just what happens to us,” says Deb Eckart, a University of […]

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4-H Art Program Brings Cheer to the Ill

Contact: Jon Prichard, (207) 324-2814; Laura Jaquays, (207) 251-4058 SPRINGVALE, Maine — A small but powerful 4-H art program coordinated by the University of Maine Cooperative Extension’s York County office in Springvale is bringing messages of cheer to patients at York Hospital Oncology Care and the Hospice of York. Jon Prichard, an associate Extension professor, […]

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Cut the Cost of Baby Food by Making It at Home

Contact: Kate Yerxa, (207) 581-3109 ORONO — Think of green baby food, and pureed peas or string beans come to mind. But when Kate Yerxa was asked how people could save money by making their own baby food, the green she saw was dollars. Yerxa, the statewide educator for nutrition and physical activity at University […]

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Food Science Professor Defends the Healthy Potato

Contact: Mary Ellen Camire, (207) 581-1627; George Manlove, (207) 581-3756 ORONO — As Maine’s congressional delegation and the Maine Potato Board lobby the USDA to rescind its recent decision to exclude the potato from eligible fruits and vegetables available to WIC program participants, a UMaine food science and human nutrition professor is offering science-based evidence […]

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Extension Sewing Program Maintains Cultural Thread for East African Children

Contact: Kristy Ouellette, 353-5550 LEWISTON — Twelve-year-old Naima Arte is making a traditional East African black dress and Naima Odowa, 14, has cut and sewn a black and white scarf with embroidered red hearts. Making clothes with traditional colors “is who we are,” says Odowa, who immigrated to the United States from Kenya with her […]

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Extension Sewing Program Maintains Cultural Thread for East African Children

Contact: Kristy Ouellette, 353-5550 LEWISTON — Twelve-year-old Naima Arte is making a traditional East African black dress and Naima Odowa, 14, has cut and sewn a black and white scarf with embroidered red hearts. Making clothes with traditional colors “is who we are,” says Odowa, who immigrated to the United States from Kenya with her […]

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Maine Grass Farmers Network to Host Thorndike Pasture Walk June 10

Contact: UMaine Cooperative Extension, 1-800-287-1426 THORNDIKE — The Maine Grass Farmers Network is hosting a series of pasture walks during the summer and fall of 2010, the first of which is set for Thursday, June 10 at the farm of Simon Stoll on the Palmer Road in Thorndike. The pasture walk will begin at 5 […]

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