Cooperative Extension

Cooperative Extension in Japanese Beetle Story

The Portland Daily Sun included comments from Clay Kirby, UMaine Cooperative Extension insect diagnostician, in a story about how to handle infestations of Japanese beetles. Kirby said people need to be vigilant and urged gardeners to have a game plan for dealing with the pesky bugs. Contact: Jessica Bloch, 207-581-3777

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Murphy Column on Extension Program

UMaine Cooperative Extension Educator Barbara Murphy had a column in the Lewiston Sun Journal about the Extension program Harvest for Hunger, a statewide program that encourages people to donated unwanted or excess produce to soup kitchens, food pantries, and individuals in need so that people have access to healthy, nutritious food. Contact: Jessica Bloch, 207-581-3777

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Website Carries Story on African Group’s Work With Extension

The website, which covers news from and about the Middle East and North Africa, carried a Portland Press Herald story about the Center for African Heritage’s work with the UMaine Regional Learning Center in Falmouth. According to the story, the Center for African Heritage, which has a garden at Tidewater Farm near the Regional […]

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Ecological Monitoring Project Seeks ‘Signs of Seasons’ Volunteers

Half of the plants described by Henry David Thoreau in his classic 1854 book Walden have disappeared from Walden Pond. That is an example of how relatively rapidly climate change can modify our natural environment, says University of Maine Cooperative Extension and Maine Sea Grant climate change educator Esperanza Stancioff.

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Newspaper Features Extension’s Tidewater Farm Garden Project

The Portland Press Herald on Wednesday featured the three-acre farm in Falmouth run by immigrants and refugees in the Center for African Heritage. The gardens are at the University of Maine’s Cooperative Extension Tidewater Farm, part of the University of Maine Regional Learning Center. Gardeners use the leased space for growing vegetables for African community […]

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TV News Features Maine Policy Review’s Food Issue

Channel 7 (WVII) television news Tuesday evening featured the new special issue of the Maine Policy Review, a 248-page compilation of essays, articles and research about food and food systems in Maine, recently published by the UMaine Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center. Ann Acheson, researcher at the center and editor of the special issue, was […]

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UMaine Learning Center in Press Herald Story

UMaine Cooperative Extension’s new Regional Learning Center was mentioned in a Portland Press Herald story about a Center for African Heritage garden project located at Tidewater Farm in Falmouth. The story says farmers regularly consult with the agricultural experts who are based at the Regional Learning Center, which is a public-private partnership among UMaine, the […]

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Maine Policy Review Assesses Maine Food Systems

ORONO — The University of Maine’s Margaret Chase Policy Center has published a special issue of its Maine Policy Review, a 248-page assessment of Maine’s food and food systems, ranging from economics, energy and the environment to hunger, health and nutrition.

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Blueberry Specialist Interviewed About Crop

UMaine Cooperative Extension blueberry specialist and horticulture professor David Yarborough was interviewed for a Maine Public Broadcasting Network radio story about the state of the blueberry crop this summer. Yarborough said unless the region receives adequate rainfall soon, the crop could be significantly diminished. Contact: Jessica Bloch, 207-581-3777

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