Cooperative Extension

Extension’s Hopkins wins national award

Kathryn Hopkins, University of Maine Extension educator in the Somerset Extension office in Skowhegan, received the Distinguished Service Award from the National Association of County Agriculture Agents during the recent 2011 Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement Conference in Overland Park, Kansas. Hopkins was one of several honorees representing the top two percent of the membership […]

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Highmoor Farm Featured on News Report

Bangor television station WABI covered Maine Commissioner of Agriculture Walter Whitcomb’s recent trip to Highmoor Farm, a UMaine facility which performs practical research studies for the apple industry. Renae Moran, UMaine Extension tree fruit specialist, was interviewed for the story and said the size of the crop this year will be above average, which means […]

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UMaine Experts Featured in Report on Back-to-School Lunches

UMaine Cooperative Extension’s Kate Yerxa and UMaine Professor Mary Ellen Camire were interviewed for a WLBZ-TV report on packing healthy and safe lunches for kids going back to school. Yerxa, the statewide educator for nutrition and physical activity, advised parents to allow children to have some say into what goes into their lunch box, which […]

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Horticulturist Stack in TV Report on Giant Hogweed

UMaine Cooperative Extension professor and ornamental horticulture specialist Lois Berg Stack was interviewed for a Monday Channel 7 (WVII) news report about the toxic ornamental plant giant hogweed, a 10-foot-tall plant resembling Queen Anne’s lace, which can cause permanent scarring from burns when the plant’s sap on skin is exposed to sunlight. Contact: George Manlove, […]

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UMaine Nutritionists Offer Tips for Kids’ Snacks, Lunches

University of Maine nutritionists are available to offer advice for parents and guardians looking to pack healthy — and appealing — lunchboxes for children and adolescents, and to identify the benefits of school-prepared meals and snacks. Mary Ellen Camire, a fellow of the Institute of Food Technologists and professor of food science and human nutrition, […]

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Tomato Video Featured on Website

A video produced by UMaine Cooperative Extension about what to do with harvested tomatoes is being featured on the Bangor Daily News website. The video features Extension Educator Kathy Savoie discussing freezing and canning tomatoes. Contact: Jessica Bloch, 207-581-3777

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Extension Expert in Story About Hogweed

UMaine Cooperative Extension horticulturist Lois Berg Stack was quoted in a Village Soup report on the dangers of touching the giant hogweed plant, which has been reported in more than 30 sites in Maine. Touching the plant can cause severe skin and eye irritation, blisters and permanent scarring. Contact: Jessica Bloch, 207-581-3777

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Extension Expert in Newspaper Story on Caterpillar

A Bangor Daily News story about a rise in abundance of the Hickory Tussock caterpillar included comments from UMaine Cooperative Extension entomologist Clay Kirby. Kirby told the BDN he has more samples of the caterpillar sent to his laboratory and more information requests than previous years. The numbers of the caterpillar, which can cause an […]

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TV Report Has Extension Tree-Pruning Tips

Portland television station WCSH interviewed UMaine Cooperative Extension horticulturalist Kate Garland about how to clear downed trees and tree limbs. Garland said limbs should be pruned in a way that minimizes the chance of doing further damage to the tree. Contact: Jessica Bloch, 207-581-3777

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