Cooperative Extension

Weekly Notes UMaine Extension Hops Research

The weekly Free Press of midcoast Maine interviewed University of Maine Cooperative Extension fruit and vegetable specialist David Handley about growing hops for beer. Handley said people who want to grow hops should be cautious and keep in mind that in the  early 1900s, exacerbated by the region’s moist climate, an outbreak of downy mildew […]

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Cooperative Extension Noted in Report on Ash Borer

In a report on the advance of the emerald ash borer beetle in New England, the Portland Press Herald noted University of Maine Cooperative Extension information about the impact of the ash tree in Maine. The fruit of the ash tree provides food for animals such as quail, wild turkey, grouse, grosbeaks and other songbirds, […]

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Drummond in Press Herald Bee Feature

Frank Drummond, a UMaine professor of insect ecology and insect pest management and a University of Maine Cooperative Extension entomologist, was interviewed for a Portland Press Herald feature story on mason bees, which are small, passive pollinators considered more effective than honey bees. Drummond, UMaine botanist Alison Dibble, Ph.D., and graduate students Kalyn Bickerman and […]

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MPBN’s Mainewatch Features Healthy Beaches Program

University of Maine Cooperative Extension marine professional and Maine Healthy Beaches program staff member Keri Lindberg, who also works with the UMaine-based Maine Sea Grant, was interviewed as part of a Maine Public Broadcasting Network “Mainewatch” feature on the state’s coastal beach monitoring program. Contact: George Manlove, (207) 581-3756

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UMaine Sustainable Agriculture Field Day July 25

A group of agricultural experts mainly from the University of Maine Cooperative Extension will lead a free, public program on sustainable farming from 3:45 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, July 25 at the UMaine Rogers Research Farm on Bennoch Road in Stillwater. Topics include sweet corn integrated pest management and emerging pests, crow management […]

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UMaine Extension Experts Participating in Event with Commerce Undersecretary

Two University of Maine Cooperative Extension experts will represent UMaine Extension at a public meeting Thursday in Alfred, Maine, with Kevin Concannon, U.S. Department of Agriculture undersecretary for food, nutrition and consumer services. UMaine Extension educators Frank Wertheim and Barbara Murphy will attend the meeting, which is sponsored by Partners for a Hunger-Free York County, […]

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UMaine Extension Educator Comments on Food Packaging

Comments from Alan Majka, a University of Maine Cooperative Extension educator, were included in a Project Economy report by Portland TV station WMTW about changes over the years in food packaging. Majka, a registered dietician, said one way consumers can deal with confusion over package sizes is to look at the unit price. Contact: Jessica […]

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Lily Leaf Beetle Research in Newspaper Report

UMaine research into the lily leaf beetle was mentioned in a story about the beetle on the website for The Daily News of Batavia, N.Y. The story noted that UMaine has done research to identify lilies that have resistance to the beetle, and also mentioned research into botanical insecticides. A University of Maine Cooperative Extension […]

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Blog Notes UMaine Extension Butterfly Website.

The Lehigh Valley Master Gardeners blog, which is posted on the website of the Pennsylvania newspaper The Morning Call, noted the University of Maine Cooperative Extension’s website of images of monarch butterflies. The blog post was about the disappearance of milkweed habitat and its potential impacts on the monarch population. Contact: Jessica Bloch, (207) 581-3777

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Workshop to Focus on Growing Seaweed

In Maine and elsewhere, the field of seaweed cultivation is experiencing increased interest from aquaculturists, harvesters, researchers and those in the business of making products from marine macroalgae. This is due to some innovative research being conducted in the region, and because Maine now has the first and only commercial kelp aquaculture operation in the […]

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