Cooperative Extension

Lancaster Farming quotes Yarborough in article on highbush blueberries

Lancaster Farming quoted David Yarborough, a wild blueberry specialist with the University of Maine Cooperative Extension and a professor in the UMaine School of Food and Agriculture, in an article on highbush blueberry production that mentions challenges in the corresponding lowbush blueberry industry. The article tells the story of highbush blueberry production on Goss Berry […]

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Morning Ag Clips previews Extension food preservation workshops

Morning Ag Clips previewed a series of hands-on food preservation workshops offered by the University of Maine Cooperative Extension in Skowhegan in July and August. The workshops will cover basic techniques for canning and freezing green beans and tomatoes. Fresh produce and jars will be provided, and are covered by the $10 registration fee. The […]

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Lichtenwalner, Knight recent guests on Maine Public’s ‘Maine Calling’

Anne Lichtenwalner, director of the University of Maine Cooperative Extension Veterinary Diagnostic Lab, associate professor of animal and veterinary science and extension veterinarian; and Colt Knight, assistant extension professor at UMaine and the state livestock specialist; were recent guests on Maine Public’s “Maine Calling” radio show. The show focused on the benefits and challenges of […]

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Hutton to help lead walk and talk farming workshop, VillageSoup reports

VillageSoup reported Mark Hutton, an associate professor of vegetable crops and extension vegetable specialist with the University of Maine Cooperative Extension, will help lead a free walk and talk workshop at Goranson Farm in Dresden. The event will focus on the benefits and challenges of low-till farming practices and cover crops in organic vegetable production, […]

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Kirby interviewed for BDN article on beneficial household bug

The Bangor Daily News interviewed Clay Kirby, an insect diagnostician with the University of Maine Cooperative Extension, for an article on a beneficial household arthropod, the centipede. While centipedes can be creepy and startling to some, Kirby insists they are harmless and are actually predators of other pests that could live in your home, including […]

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Ellsworth American interviews Yarborough about blueberry business

The Ellsworth American interviewed David Yarborough, a wild blueberry specialist with the University of Maine Cooperative Extension, for a report on the production and value of blueberries. Both production and value of the crop declined in 2017 — the U.S. Department of Agriculture reported a drop in production of 33 percent and a drop in […]

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Cooperative Extension fact sheet cited in BDN article on freshwater creatures

The Bangor Daily News cited a University of Maine Cooperative Extension fact sheet in the article, “10 monsters that dwell in Maine’s waterways.” The article presented different freshwater creatures living in Maine that people might be unfamiliar with, including the fishing spider. The largest spider native to Maine, it hunts by walking over land and […]

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Enjoy berry season with UMaine Extension bulletins

With the official arrival of summer, Maine’s berry season is in full swing. Strawberries, and their culinary companion rhubarb, are being harvested and enjoyed, and preserved for the months to come. Raspberries, blackberries and blueberries aren’t far behind. University of Maine Cooperative Extension has several publications suitable for the season, including Growing Strawberries; Growing Rhubarb […]

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Popular lobster video surpasses 1 million views

A 2012 YouTube video, “Lobster Cooking and Eating,” by University of Maine Cooperative Extension and the UMaine Lobster Institute has been viewed more than 1 million times. The video, featuring Lobster Institute executive director Bob Bayer and Jason Bolton, UMaine Extension food safety specialist and associate Extension professor, identifies distinctive lobster characteristics, and shows how […]

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