Cooperative Extension

Hargest quoted in BDN article on microgreens

Pamela Hargest, a horticulture professional with University of Maine Cooperative Extension, was quoted in the Bangor Daily News article “Why you should make microgreens part of your daily diet.” Microgreens, the edible shoots of plants harvested just after the first leaves have developed, can add extra flavor, color and texture to many dishes, according to […]

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Lancaster Farming advances FDA food safety certification training at UMaine

Lancaster Farming advanced a U.S. Food and Drug Administration-recognized food safety certification training to be hosted by University of Maine Cooperative Extension, beginning 8 a.m.–5 p.m. June 26 at the UMaine Extension office in Bangor. The training will continue 8 a.m.–5 p.m. June 27 and 8 a.m.–noon June 28. The fee is $250 for Maine […]

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WABI, Sun Journal interview Dill about ticks, other pests

WABI (Channel 5) spoke with Griffin Dill, an integrated pest management professional with University of Maine Cooperative Extension, for the second part of its series “Fighting Lyme disease.” Dill said the tick population and reported cases of tick-borne diseases are increasing in Maine. “It’s a more forested state with human development mixed in, so it’s […]

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Conway Daily Sun covers UMaine Extension 4-H June Jamboree

The Conway Daily Sun covered University of Maine Cooperative Extension 4-H’s annual June Jamboree held at Fryeburg Fairgrounds. The event was dedicated to helping 4-H youth learn about the care, health and wellness of livestock, fitting and showmanship. In addition, children working in multiple animal science projects, including sheep, swine, working steer and horse projects, […]

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Tanglewood 4-H Camp mentioned in Outside column on today’s summer camps

The University of Maine Cooperative Extension 4-H Camp and Learning Center at Tanglewood in Lincolnville was mentioned in the Outside magazine column, “We need summer camp more than ever before.” Today’s children grow up with little unstructured time, and their social and academic lives are built around digital devices and being online, the article states. […]

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Lilley quoted in BDN article about where to successfully sell crops

The Bangor Daily News spoke with Jason Lilley, a sustainable agriculture professional with the University of Maine Cooperative Extension, for the article, “Here is where you can go to successfully sell your crops.” Before deciding to sell your crops at a farm stand or farmers market, or to a farm-to-table restaurant or local supermarket, the […]

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Jensen to lead hands-on science activities at Union library, VillageSoup reports

The Vose Library in Union is offering a variety of youth summer programs, VillageSoup reported. Fourth- through seventh-graders will have the opportunity to attend weekly hands-on science activities led by Kathryn Jensen, 4-H youth development professional with the University of Maine Cooperative Extension. Jensen will use the engineering design process to investigate the science of […]

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UMaine Extension beekeeping course mentioned in West End News column

A five-week beginner bee school offered by University of Maine Cooperative Extension and the Maine State Beekeepers Association was mentioned in a West End News column about native Maine plants, birds and bees. The school is offered annually in southern Maine at the beginning of the year. The course is a great opportunity for new […]

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WGME cites UMaine Extension resources for report on growing strawberries

WGME (Channel 13 in Portland) reported on Maine’s strawberry growing forecast. Late June is when the strawberry harvest typically begins, according to the report. Bill Bamford, co-owner of Maxwell’s Farm in Cape Elizabeth, spoke with WGME about his farm’s primary crop. He and his crew manage more than 10 acres of strawberries, according to the […]

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