Cooperative Extension

UMaine Extension offers mediation training program

University of Maine Cooperative Extension will offer a 40-hour basic mediation training beginning 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. Sept. 23 at the University of Maine, 1 York Complex. The training continues at the same location Sept. 24–25 and Oct. 2–3. The hands-on, interactive training will include demonstrations, discussions, exercises, videos and role-play practice with mediation scenarios. Scheduled […]

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Garland speaks with WABI about Field Day at Rogers Farm 

Kate Garland, a horticultural professional with University of Maine Cooperative Extension, visited the studio of WABI (Channel 5) to speak about the annual Field Day at Rogers Farm demonstration garden in Old Town. The UMaine Extension Master Gardener Volunteers program will host the free event 10 a.m.–1 p.m. Sept. 7, rain or shine. Activities include […]

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Advertiser Democrat uses information from Tick Lab

The Advertiser Democrat utilized information from the University of Maine Cooperative Extension Tick Lab in the second part of its three-part series about tick identification, disease and encounter prevention. The article is titled “Ticked off: Avoid, protect, check, remove.”

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Daily Bulldog highlights 4-H Summer of Science program

The Daily Bulldog wrote about a 4-H Summer of Science activity — building catapults to launch pom poms across a carpeted floor — led by Tara Marble at the Farmington Public Library. Marble is youth coordinator for Franklin County’s 4-H program, which is part of University of Maine Cooperative Extension. Each week, participants explore a […]

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Carter, Brzozowski, Carlson speak on WGAN’s ‘Positively Maine’ podcast

Three University of Maine Cooperative Extension staff members were recent guests on WGAN’s “Positively Maine” podcast — Hannah Carter, dean of UMaine Extension; Richard Brzozowski, food system program administrator; and Lani Carlson, Maine AgrAbility coordinator. The show focused on the reach of UMaine Extension across the entire state, especially through programs like Maine AgrAbility and […]

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Yarborough talks with Associated Press about wild blueberry harvest

David Yarborough, wild blueberry specialist emeritus with the University of Maine Cooperative Extension, told the Associated Press that a cold winter and a wet, cold spring are likely culprits for another difficult summer for Maine’s wild blueberry industry. He said the total harvest might be about 50 million pounds, which would be similar to last […]

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Portland Press Herald shares Cooperative Extension cover crop advice 

A Portland Press Herald gardening column shared Richard Brzozowski’s advice about planting oats as a cover crop. Brzozowski is the University of Maine Cooperative Extension’s food systems program administrator. Columnist Tom Atwell said Brzozowski recommends oats to enrich the soil, prevent erosion and inhibit weeds. Oats, says Brzozowski, will be killed off by the first […]

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