Cooperative Extension

Extension’s Koehler featured in Press Herald’s climate council coverage

The Portland Press Herald featured comments from University of Maine Cooperative Extension associate scientist Glen Koehler in a report from the latest Maine Climate Council meeting on Wednesday, May 29. Koehler said shorter winters — longer growing seasons — and warming temperatures should be an advantage for Maine producers and presented the latest scientific findings […]

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UMaine Extension launches new podcast featuring farm experts

University of Maine Cooperative Extension launched the Maine Farmcast, a podcast that features weekly conversations with experts from across the country who share insights and advice for both new and seasoned farmers running operations of any size.  “This is a way to share conversations around the livestock industry that relate to research, production, nutrition, reproduction, […]

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Harvest Public Media interviews Extension’s Calderwood on solar farming

Harvest Public Media interviewed Lily Calderwood, a wild blueberry specialist with the University of Maine Cooperative Extension and a UMaine assistant professor of horticulture, on the effects of solar panels placed over an established field of wild blueberries. Researchers are trying to identify ways in which land can be used to simultaneously grow food and […]

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BDN interviews Extension’s White on state needs in livestock health

Rachel White, an assistant professor and Maine sustainable agriculture and livestock educator with University of Maine Cooperative Extension, was interviewed by the Bangor Daily News on the lack of health care professionals to aid livestock farmers in Maine. White said many farmers use social media to diagnose and treat their animals, as well as to […]

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Entsminger interviewed by Mainebiz on booming agritourism business

Mainebiz interviewed Jason Entsminger, an assistant professor of entrepreneurship and innovation and small business specialist with University of Maine Cooperative Extension and the Maine Business School. Entsminger said the business landscape for agriculture in Maine is rapidly changing as people seek to reconnect with traditional, slow-food ways of life and farmers find new ways to […]

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Mainebiz interviews Lilley on maple adaptation to climate change

Jason Lilley, a maple industry educator with University of Maine Cooperative Extension, was interviewed by Mainebiz for a story on how farmers are adapting to land changes brought on by climate change. Lilley, focusing on how the maple industry is being affected, said sugar maples have shallow, sensitive roots that are protected by snowpack. “We’re […]

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Extension’s Bernard interviewed by media on pesticides

The Portland Press Herald and U.S. Sun featured an interview with Kerry Bernard, a University of Maine Cooperative Extension pesticide safety education program professional, on a pesticide used on property in Camden. Bernard said the pesticide, Tebuthiuron, is problematic because it is mobile in water, doesn’t easily break down and takes little to damage vegetation. […]

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WABI interviews Dill on summer season tick safety

Griffin Dill, an integrated pest management specialist and director of the University of Maine Cooperative Extension Tick Lab, was interviewed by WABI (CBS 5 in Bangor) on precautions to take during tick season in Maine’s summer months. Based on samples received at the Tick Lab, Dill said the most common species to encounter in Maine […]

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Extension’s Garland interviewed on fiddleheads by WFVX

WFVX (Fox 22/ABC 7) interviewed Kate Garland, a horticulture professional with the University of Maine Cooperative Extension, for a story about the popularity of picking fiddleheads. Garland said fiddleheads grow in Canada, New England and as far away as Tennessee, and that their growth this time of year is “staggering.”

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