Computing and Information Science

BDN features VEMI Lab

The Bangor Daily News featured the University of Maine’s Virtual Environment and Multimodal Interaction (VEMI) Lab. The BDN reported that VEMI Lab’s biggest project is its groundbreaking research into autonomous vehicles, or self-driving cars, for which it has received a total of $600,000 in two grant two U.S. Department of Transportation Inclusive Design Challenges, beating […]

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Ability Magazine cites UMaine VEMI Lab grant for accessible ride share apps

In an article featuring a Q&A with Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigeig, Ability Magazine noted that the University of Maine took third place in the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Inclusive Design Challenge for its Autonomous Vehicle Assistant (AVA) that assists passengers with visual impairments and older adults with ride-hailing and trip planning.

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Ippolito quoted in Right Click Save article about internet art

Jon Ippolito, professor of new media, was quoted in a Right Click Save article about the legacy of internet art for the NFT space. Ippolito said that net art was a new generation’s collective needling at accomplishments in fine art and technology. “Artists are good at pulling back the veneer to reveal reality, and the […]

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UMaine’s MIRTA accelerator program selects four teams for 2022 cohort

Four faculty-led innovation teams have been selected to participate in the fifth cohort of the University of Maine’s Maine Innovation Research and Technology Accelerator (MIRTA) program. The 2022 projects will develop research innovations in accessibility education, aquaculture, computer-aided breast cancer detection and marine sciences. MIRTA, coordinated by UMaine’s Foster Center for Innovation, assists teams from […]

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Mainebiz reports on Maine Impact Week autonomous vehicle panel

Mainebiz reported on a panel discussion of autonomous vehicle technologies hosted by the University of Maine’s Virtual Environments and Multimodal Interaction (VEMI) Laboratory. Panelists, including VEMI Lab co-founders Richard Corey and Nicholas Giudice, and director of the Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center Jonathan Rubin noted that autonomous vehicles will contribute to the live and work […]

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Forbes talks with Giudice about autonomous vehicle revolution

Forbes spoke with Nicholas Giudice, a University of Maine professor of spatial computing and co-founder of UMaine’s Virtual Environments and Multimodal Interaction Laboratory (VEMI Lab), about the autonomous vehicle app currently under development by the lab’s autonomous vehicle research group.

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Press Herald op-ed cites Ferrini-Mundy recommendations for building state’s STEM workforce

A Portland Press Herald op-ed outlining strategies for building a skilled and resilient STEM workforce in Maine cited University of Maine President Joan Ferrini-Mundy in calling for increased investment in research and development and establishment of new public-private partnerships. Authors Ben Gilman and Rachel Kerestes noted that increased private investment in higher education, such as […]

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Media advance app project from VEMI Lab group

WVII (Channel 7) reported on a research project to develop a smartphone app that will help people with visual impairments and seniors enjoy ride-sharing and ride-hailing with self-driving cars. A research group led by the Virtual Environments and Multimodal Interaction Laboratory (VEMI Lab) at the University of Maine is creating the app known as the Autonomous […]

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