Computing and Information Science

Markowsky to Deliver Cybersecurity Talk

University of Maine professor George Markowsky will present a talk about cybersecurity at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 28, at the Margaret Chase Smith Library. The talk is the library’s Ada E. Leeke Lecture on International Affairs. Markowsky is a professor of computer science and cooperating professor in the School of Policy and International Affairs. The […]

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Project>Login Event Oct. 16

University of Maine students interested in computing and IT internships and jobs next summer are invited to a Project>Login networking reception, 4–6 p.m. Oct. 16, Bangor Room, Memorial Union. The reception is an opportunity for students in computer science and computer engineering to talk with IT professionals and recruiters from Maine companies. It is sponsored […]

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top faculty

2014 Distinguished Maine Professor, Presidential Award Winners Named

The University of Maine’s top annual faculty awards for 2014 will be presented May 10 to four researchers in marine sciences, electrical and computer engineering, and computing and information science. Mary Jane Perry, professor of oceanography and interim director of UMaine’s Darling Marine Center, is the 2014 Distinguished Maine Professor, an award presented by the […]

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WABI Interviews Jones, Markowsky About Windows XP Losing Support

WABI (Channel 5) spoke with University of Maine professors Nory Jones, a professor of management information systems, and George Markowsky, a professor of computer science, for a report about what people should expect when Microsoft stops supporting Windows XP. The discontinuation means Microsoft will no longer provide updates — including security updates — for the […]

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Union Leader Advances Regional Cyber Defense Competition

The New Hampshire Union Leader published a report on the Northeast Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition that will be hosted by the University of New Hampshire’s computer science department March 14–16. The University of Maine’s Cyber Defense Team is slated to compete in the event. One winner and one alternate will be selected to represent the […]

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Seacoast Online Reports on Regional Cyber Defense Competition

Seacoast Online published a report on the Northeast Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition that will be hosted by the University of New Hampshire’s computer science department March 14–16. The University of Maine’s Cyber Defense Team is slated to compete in the event. One winner and one alternate will be selected to represent the Northeast region at […]

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27th Expanding Your Horizons to Bring 500 Middle School Girls to UMaine March 13

Five hundred middle school girls from across Maine are expected to participate in the 27th Expanding Your Horizons conference at the University of Maine on March 13. The conference features workshops for students and teachers focused on introducing youth to careers in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields. It is coordinated by the […]

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WLBZ Talks with Members of UMaine’s Cyber Defense Team

WLBZ (Channel 2) spoke with University of Maine students Kyle Ossinger and John Woodill, who are members of UMaine’s Cyber Defense Team. The team is preparing to compete at the annual Northeast Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition at the University of New Hampshire in March. Ossinger and Woodill spoke about the importance of cybersecurity and offered […]

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UMaine Cyber Defense Team Advances to Regional Competition

Seven members of the University of Maine Cyber Defense Team will compete at the annual Northeast Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition at the University of New Hampshire in March. The team was one of nine out of a pool of 14 schools that qualified for the regional competition. According to the National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition, […]

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Falmouth Company’s Participation in Project>Login Focus of Mainebiz Article

Tyler Technologies Inc. in Falmouth spoke to Mainebiz about building their workforce through interns, including some from the University of Maine. The company’s leaders also spoke about their involvement in Project>Login, an initiative between Educate Maine and the University of Maine system that aims to attract students to computer technology-related majors and support them throughout their […]

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