Climate Change

Mayewski Quoted in The National Article on Abu Dhabi Climate Change Conference

Paul Mayewski, director of the Climate Change Institute at the University of Maine, was quoted in an article by The National, Abu Dhabi Media’s first English-language publication, about a climate change conference in the city. The annual conference on Climate Change and the Future of Water is hosted by the Emirates Center for Strategic Studies […]

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BDN Publishes Op-Ed by Sandweiss

The Bangor Daily News published the opinion piece, “The Kon-Tiki man at 100 — and his kindred spirits in Maine,” by Dan Sandweiss, a professor of anthropology and quaternary and climate studies at the University of Maine.

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Maine Sea Grant Awarded $500,000 from NOAA, AP Reports

The Associated Press reported that Sens. Susan Collins and Angus King announced the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is giving nearly $500,000 to the Maine Sea Grant Program at the University of Maine. The money will be used to help coastal communities protect themselves against the challenges caused by climate change, according to the […]

Read more, Maine Edge Carry Article on UMaine Scientist’s Carbon Movement Research and The Maine Edge published a University of Maine article on research by marine scientist Nathan Briggs. Briggs is studying the movement of carbon dioxide into the deep ocean to improve climate projections and understanding of deep-sea ecosystems. He begins a two-year postdoctoral fellowship research project in France that’s funded, in part, by a […]

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BDN Covers Environmentalist, Author McKibben’s UMaine Talk

The Bangor Daily News reported on a University of Maine talk given by environmentalist and author Bill McKibben. McKibben’s lecture, “Making a life on a tough new planet,” was hosted by the UMaine Honors College as part of its Honors Read program. The 2014–2015 Honors Read is McKibben’s book, “Eaarth: Making a Life on a […]

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Nathan Briggs

Briggs Headed to France to Explore Marine Snow in the Twilight Zone

Studying the movement of carbon dioxide into the deep ocean to improve climate projections and understanding of deep-sea ecosystems will be the focus of a two-year research project by a University of Maine marine scientist. Feb. 1, Nathan Briggs begins a two-year postdoctoral fellowship research project in France that’s funded, in part, by a $194,000 […]

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WABI Covers Mitchell Lecture on Sustainability

WABI (Channel 5) reported on the 7th annual Mitchell Lecture on Sustainability, hosted by the Senator George J. Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions at the University of Maine. This year’s talk featured Harvard University’s William Clark who spoke about “Mobilizing knowledge to shape a sustainable future.” Mitchell, who also spoke at the event, talked about […]

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Science Nation Reports on Research by Kreutz

Science Nation reported on research by University of Maine paleoclimatologist Karl Kreutz in an article and video titled “Alaska mountain glaciers retreating due to climate change.” With support from the National Science Foundation, Kreutz and his team are working to reconstruct the climate history of the area around Alaska’s Denali National Park over the last […]

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Mayewski Quoted in Boston Globe Article on Maine Climate Change

Paul Mayewski, director of the Climate Change Institute at the University of Maine, was quoted in a Boston Globe article titled, “In Maine, scientists see signs of climate change.” Mayewski said Maine is particularly sensitive to changes in climate more than any other state because of its natural resources and location. “We’re heavily dependent on […]

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