Climate Change

Robinson Quoted in The Verge, Washington Post Articles on Discovery of Ice Age Grave

The Verge and The Washington Post quoted Brian Robinson, a professor of anthropology and quaternary and climate studies at the University of Maine, for articles about scientists discovering an 11,500-year-old grave of infants and a late-term fetus in Alaska. Robinson, who wasn’t involved in the study, said child burials are exceedingly rare and this discovery […]

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Falkland Islands

UMaine Researchers to Travel to Falkland Islands

Learning more about the biodiversity of the Falkland Islands and what can be done to preserve it is the focus of a planned trip for three University of Maine researchers. Jacquelyn Gill, an assistant professor of paleoecology and plant ecology in the University of Maine’s School of Biology and Ecology and Climate Change Institute (CCI), […]

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UMaine Extreme Weather, Climate Change Research Featured on WMTW

WMTW (Channel 8 in Portland) reported on University of Maine research to improve the prediction of extreme weather events. UMaine received $1.5 million of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s $5.5 million award to increase the precision of predictions of extreme weather events and coastal flooding in the northeastern United States. The UMaine faculty and […]

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Oceanographer Tracks Gulf of Maine Changes From Orono Lab

Andrew Thomas has a bird’s-eye view of the Gulf of Maine from his lab in Aubert Hall at the University of Maine in Orono. The oceanography professor directs the University of Maine Satellite Oceanography Data Lab, which receives daily real-time high-resolution data from NASA’s meteorological satellites. In this Sept. 27, 2014 satellite image of the […]

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MPBN Airs Mitchell Lecture on Sustainability

The Maine Public Broadcasting Network aired the 7th annual Mitchell Lecture on Sustainability as part of its “Speaking in Maine” public affairs lecture series. This year’s talk, hosted by the Senator George J. Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions at the University of Maine, featured Harvard University’s William Clark who spoke about “Mobilizing knowledge to shape […]

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Marine Scientist Explores Ecosystem Balancing Act on Caribbean Coral Reefs

University of Maine marine scientist Bob Steneck participated in a study that indicates overfishing and climate change have collided to create a new dynamic on Caribbean coral reefs. The study, led by University of Exeter geographer Chris Perry, was published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B. It highlights the delicate balance between […]

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Ocean Optics

Director of Darling Marine Center Co-chairs International Ocean Optics XXII Conference

Oceanographers, water-quality experts and satellite remote-sensing scientists from around the world will shine light on developments in ocean optics and their application to environmental issues at a conference Oct. 25–31 in Portland, Maine. Mary Jane Perry, interim director of the University of Maine Darling Marine Center in Walpole, is co-chair of the conference, Ocean Optics […]

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Extreme Living

UMaine Researchers Document Highest Altitude Ice Age Human Occupation

In the southern Peruvian Andes, an archaeological team led by researchers at the University of Maine has documented the highest altitude ice age human occupation anywhere in the world — nearly 4,500 meters above sea level (masl). Their discoveries date high-altitude human habitation nearly a millennium earlier than previously documented. Despite cold temperatures, high solar […]

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