Climate Change

WLBZ interviews CCI grad student on how to dress warm in winter

Kimberley Miner, an Earth and climate scientist and graduate student at the University of Maine, spoke with WLBZ (Channel 2) about how to keep warm in cold temperatures. Miner studies climate change by researching glaciers and has been to places including Antarctica and Alaska, according to the report. Her gear has kept her warm in […]

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Postdoctoral research fellow writes BDN op-ed on national parks

Caitlin McDonough MacKenzie, a postdoctoral David H. Smith Conservation Research Fellow at the University of Maine, wrote an opinion piece for the Bangor Daily News titled, “National parks belong to Americans. They should remain accessible to all.” MacKenzie studies alpine and subalpine plant communities, climate change and conservation across New England.

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Farming in new weather reality focus of panel discussion

Farmers are invited to a panel discussion and networking event about farming in a new weather reality 1:50–4 p.m. Jan. 9 in the Hancock Room of the Augusta Civic Center, 76 Community Drive. The session will open with a panel of experienced Maine crop and livestock farmers who will discuss how changes in weather patterns […]

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Crandall, Nelson join team analyzing impacts of winter weather whiplash

If you think Maine’s winter weather has been wilder lately you are likely right. Recent volatile shifts in winter weather are likely connected to rapid changes in Arctic weather and sea ice cover. To improve scientists’ and communities’ understanding of winter weather whiplash, and what it means for seasonally snow-covered landscapes like Maine, the National […]

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Wahle featured in Radio-Canada report on lobsters, warming waters

Rick Wahle, a research professor at the University of Maine Darling Marine Center, was interviewed by Canadian Broadcasting’s Radio-Canada for a report about American lobster migrating from south to north, as a result of warming waters. A segment of the footage was shot at the DMC waterfront in Walpole where Wahle and graduate students conduct […]

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Climate Reanalyzer featured in Discover blog post on predicted Arctic blast

The Climate Change Institute’s Climate Reanalyzer was included in an online Discover Magazine blog post titled, “Move over record-setting warmth: A brutal blast of winter misery straight out of the Arctic appears to be on its way.” An Arctic blast is forecast for the Midwest and eastern United States around Dec. 10, according to the […]

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Mashable quotes Gill in report on use of ‘climate change’ in grant proposals

Mashable interviewed Jacquelyn Gill, a professor of paleoecology at the University of Maine, for the article, “To obtain funding, scientists may be avoiding use of the term ‘climate change’ in research proposals.” Recently released data from NPR shows that grants and research proposals from the National Science Foundation using the term “climate change” in the […]

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UMaine mentioned in Ellsworth American article on winter shrimp fishing

The University of Maine was mentioned in the Ellsworth American article, “Odds are tiny for a winter shrimp fishing season.” Members of the Atlantic State Marine Fisheries Commission’s Northern Shrimp Section are scheduled to meet Wednesday to establish dates and landings limits for the 2018 winter shrimp fishing season, according to the article. Most evidence […]

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