Earth, Life, and Health Sciences

Nursing Professor Involved in Suicide Study

John Cutcliffe of the UMaine nursing faculty is one of the investigators involved in a research study of suicidal young men in Northern Ireland. A news release from Ireland’s Public Health Agency describes the project, intended to “increase the understanding of suicidal young men, and inform the delivery of accessible, acceptable and appropriate mental health […]

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Channel 5 Story Includes Harrison

Comments from Prof. Dan Harrison of the UMaine wildlife ecology faculty were included in a Tuesday WABI television report about reports of cougars showing up in the Maine woods. “In terms of a viable population of cougars, I’m very, very skeptical about that,” he said.

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Future Of Oyster Industry Discussed At Meeting

A recent meeting at UMaine’s Darling Marine Center in Walpole about Maine’s oyster industry was the subject of an article in Oyster growers and state officials discussed an oyster disease that, while not lethal to humans, could affect the oyster market.

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Harrison in Channel 5 Report on Wolves in Maine

Prof. Dan Harrison of the UMaine wildlife ecology faculty is featured in a WABI television story about issues related to wolves in the Maine woods.  The report was the first in a two-part series scheduled to conclude on Tuesday evening’s news.

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Hamilton in New York Times Glacier Story

Comments from Gordon Hamilton, a professor in UMaine’s Climate Change Institute, are included in a front-page Sunday New York Times story detailing scientific research related to changes in Greenland’s glaciers.  The story says that Hamilton and others are working “to answer one of the most urgent – and most widely debated – questions facing humanity: […]

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Former UMaine Ph.D. Student Credited with New Mineral Discovery

Contact: Edward Grew, (207) 581-2169 The October issue of the journal The Canadian Mineralogist includes a peer-reviewed article by UMaine Department of Earth Sciences faculty researcher Edward Grew, recent Ph.D. student Jeffrey Marsh and colleagues about the discovery in 2009 by Marsh of a new mineral, a species of garnet named “menzerite-(Y)” in honor of […]

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New Zealand Website Has Report On Animal Disease Testing Kits

The website highlighted a story about UMaine’s work to develop new and inexpensive field test kits that would detect certain bacteria in animals, including the bacteria that causes equine strangles. Robert Causey, a veterinarian and associate professor in the university’s Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, is driving the research.

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FISHLab Plan On Website

The website, which is based in the Netherlands, mentioned UMaine’s plan to build a high-level containment cold-water lab in which fish pathogens can be studied in order to develop vaccines and medicines for fighting diseases. UMaine received a $600,000 grant from the Maine Technology Institute for the new lab.

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Kornfield in News Report on Illegal Hunting

UMaine Prof. Irv Kornfield is featured in a WABI television story about his work helping the Maine Warden Service investigate illegal hunting cases.  Working in UMaine’s Wildlife Forensic DNA lab, Kornfield assesses evidence and matches animal DNA in ways that help law enforcement officials investigate and prosecute these crimes.

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Sea Grant Involved In Meetings About Marine Resources

UMaine’s Sea Grant Program is teaming up with the Department of Marine Resources and the Gulf of Maine Research Institute on a series of meetings around the state to focus and encourage research in areas of importance to the sustainability of Maine’s marine resources, according to a story on the website The first meeting, […]

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