Earth, Life, and Health Sciences

UMaine Hosting Tour of State’s Dairy Industry

Contact: David Marcinkowski, 207-581-2740 or instate toll-free 1-800-287-7170; The University of Maine department of animal and veterinary science is hosting the New England Dairy Travel Course, a week-long tour of Maine dairy farms and related businesses set to begin Monday, January 3. The travel course, which will be based in Waterville, includes bus trips […]

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Tainted Eggs Still a Threat; Expert Advice for Small-Scale Egg Producers

Contact: Anne Lichtenwalner, (207) 581-2789 ORONO — The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) implemented new egg-handling safety regulations this year for corporate producers after Salmonella enteritis (SE) outbreaks in the Midwest and the recall of millions of chicken eggs as a result. SE-contaminated eggs, however, remain a threat for any size of farm, including backyard […]

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Sunday Telegram Features Holberton

A Maine Sunday Telegram story examined issues related to bird migration and plans to develop deepwater offshore wind power technology in the Gulf of Maine.  UMaine professor Rebecca Holberton, who is leading the research related to this aspect of the project, is quoted in the story.

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Science Now Story Includes Hamilton

A Science Now online news story describes a new measurement technique developed by scientists using seismometers to monitor icequakes, seismic activity caused by calving and other physical changes in glaciers.  Gordon Hamilton of the UMaine Climate Change Institute comments in the story, which describes the data collection method and its potential impact on climate and […]

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Professor Advises On Holiday Eating had a UMaine report about the connection between holiday food overindulgence and the immune system, which included comments from UMaine professor of food science and human nutrition Mary Ellen Camire. She said foods such as yams, carrots, spinach, mangoes and fortified milk, which contain immune system-boosting vitamin A, are good choices this time of […]

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Consider Immune System Boosters in Holiday Feasting

Contact: Mary Ellen Camire, (207) 581-1627 ORONO — Epicurean indulgence during holiday festivities — too many sugary foods or too much alcohol — can lead to excess fat gain, all of which can contribute to weakening the human immune system. Some simple serving suggestions can help counteract potentially negative consequences of the eat, drink and […]

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UMaine to Host Compost Scientist for Soil Fertility Talk

Contact: Sue Erich, (207) 581-2997 The University of Maine Department of Plant, Soil and Environmental Sciences, along with the Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station Analytical Laboratory and Soil Testing Service, will host Dr. Will Brinton, the founder and president of Woods End Laboratory in Mt. Vernon, for a seminar starting at 10 a.m. on […]

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Farrier Association Donation Supports UMaine Equine Program

Contact: George Manlove at (207) 581-3756 ORONO — In a show of appreciation for the University of Maine’s support of the equine industry, the Maine Farriers Association presented a cash donation to UMaine’s equine program on Dec. 10. The association’s $1,500 donation was to thank the students, faculty and staff associated with the UMaine program […]

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Television Station Reports on Equine Program Donation

UMaine Prof. Robert Causey was interviewed as part of a Friday WABI story about a clinic and check presentation at UMaine’s Witter Farm.  The Maine Farriers Association, as part of a meeting, seminar and clinic at the farm, gave $1,500 to the UMaine equine program to support future educational programs that benefit UMaine education programs […]

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