Earth, Life, and Health Sciences

Newspaper profiles graduating student

Robin Arnold, a long-time UMaine staff member who graduates Saturday with a bachelor’s degree, is profiled in a Saturday Bangor Daily News story. An administrative associate in the School of Social Work, Arnold started course work 12 years ago on her way to a degree in Earth Sciences.  The story, which includes comments from her […]

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Citizen Science Symposium May 12-13 at UMaine

ORONO – Scientists, educators and other interested professionals are invited to the 2011 Citizen Science Symposium at the University of Maine, May 12-13, a symposium designed to share information about environmental citizen science, where volunteers assist scientists with monitoring and data collection.

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UMaine to Continue Studying Effects of Dam Removal on Sea-Run Fish Species

University of Maine researchers have received funding to continue to examine the impact of dam removal on freshwater systems and populations of sea-run fish such as Atlantic salmon, alewife, sea lamprey, rainbow smelt and American shad, and also begin new research on the effects of restoration of sea lampreys to waterways where sea-run fish can […]

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Discovery Canada Program Features UMaine’s Lobster Golf Balls

Discovery Canada has aired a segment on the biodegradable lobster shell golf balls developed by University of Maine researchers as a way to create a value-added use for discarded lobster shells. With commercialization and mass production, the golf balls could be used by cruise line passengers who enjoy whacking golf balls into the ocean, among […]

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Bog Walk Story Features Faculty Members

The Maine Edge has an article about the Orono Bog Walk, which was founded by Professor Emeritus Ron Davis. The article includes comments from Davis as well as Justin Poland, a bog walk volunteer and associate professor of mechanical engineering at UMaine.

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Glaciologist Comments Included In Story On Arctic Ice

Comments from glaciologist Gordon Hamilton of UMaine’s Climate Change Institute were included in a Voice of America story about a report released Wednesday that says Arctic ice is melting at a much faster rate than previously thought. Hamilton said the previous estimate for sea level rise is a very large underestimate and it is probably […]

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Engineering, Marine Sciences Research Featured At Bangor Center

The Weekly newspaper had notices from the Challenger Learning Center in Bangor about programs with UMaine connections. The first, a Space Day open house, was held recently and featured students from UMaine’s College of Engineering who demonstrated wireless robotic sensors. The second took note of the “Connecting Climate to Curriculum” program, which involves scientists in […]

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Dean’s Comments On New Wave Of Farmers

Comments from Ed Ashworth, the dean of UMaine’s College of Natural Sciences, Forestry and Agriculture, were included in a Mainebiz story about a new crop of young farmers who are running smaller farms with more of a focus on locally sourced goods. Ashworth said despite the fact that putting together the capital investment to start […]

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Annual Black Bear Beauties Plant Sale May 6-7

The second annual Black Bear Beauties Plant Sale takes place Friday and Saturday, May 6-7 at the University of Maine Lyle E. Littlefield Ornamental Trial Garden in the Rangeley Road from 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. The sale is an opportunity for the public to buy rugged, often native, plants suitable for Maine gardens. They […]

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NSF Website Posts UMaine Squid Research Article

A news release about recent research on the squid-fishing industry by Teresa Johnson of the UMaine School of Marine Science was posted today on the National Science Foundation’s Science360 News Service website. Johnson concludes after reviewing some of the regulatory history on how Northeastern quotas and fishing territories are established that the most accurate stock […]

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