Earth, Life, and Health Sciences

Hamilton Comments Included In Scientific American Website Story

UMaine glaciologist Gordon Hamilton was quoted in a story on the Scientific American website about the links between climate change and social collapse of Greenland since 800 B.C. Hamilton commented on more recent ice melt, telling the magazine that the area of the Arctic around Greenland has warmed significantly since the 1990s, and the way […]

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Cathcart Interviewed About Maine NEW Leadership Program

Mary Cathcart of UMaine’s Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center was interviewed Friday morning on local Cumulus Radio News about the Maine NEW Leadership program, which begins on June 2. The program seeks to increase the number of young women who participate and engage in politics. More information about the program can be found in a […]

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Camire in LA Times story

Comments from Prof. Mary Ellen Camire of the UMaine Dept. of Food Science and Human Nutrition were included in a Saturday Los Angeles Times story about HMB, a dietary supplement said to help middle-aged people build muscle.  Camire says the best solution for those looking to improve muscle strength is a balanced diet combined with […]

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Economist Quoted In CNN Story

UMaine economist Jim Breece was quoted in a CNN Money story about Census numbers that show Maine has the nation’s highest median age. Breece told CNN the phenomenon has been happening for years, and is due to low birth rates and out-migration of young families looking for opportunities. Contact: Jessica Bloch, 207-581-3777

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TV Reports On Researcher’s Work With Local High Schoolers

Two local television stations had news reports about a UMaine collaboration with students from Bangor, John Bapst, and Old Town high school. WABI and WLBZ featured a project being coordinated by researcher Sarah Nelson of UMaine’s Senator George J. Mitchell Center for Environmental and Watershed Research, who has been working with the students to determine […]

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UMaine Graduate In Story About New Cookbook

Organic vegetable farmer and UMaine alumna Lisa Turner was profiled in a Portland Press Herald story about a new cookbook, for which Turner wrote the introduction, about how to eat local. Turner, a New Jersey native, majored in soil science and civil engineering, and now owns a farm in Freeport. Contact: Jessica Bloch, 207-581-3777

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Newspaper profiles tropical fish business

A Bangor Daily News story describes Sea and Reef Aquaculture, a tropical fish-breeding business created by UMaine graduate Soren Hansen.  Based at UMaine’s Center for Cooperative Aquaculture Research in Franklin, the company has grown from an idea created by Hansen and Chad Callan when they were UMaine graduate students.  The story includes comments from Prof. […]

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UAE News Reports on UMaine Conference Collaboration

The website in the United Arab Emirates carried an article Thursday about the conference in Abu Dhabi sponsored jointly by the UMaine School of International Affairs (SPIA) and the Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research (ECSSR) in Abu Dhabi. The two-day conference, May 16-17, “Islam and the West: A Civilized Dialogue,” brought together experts from Eastern […]

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UMaine Veterinarian Offers Precautions against Rodents, Hantavirus

University of Maine veterinarian Anne Lichtenwalner, director of the UMaine Animal Health Laboratory, is available to discuss precautions people can take to reduce or avoid exposure to rodents that could be carrying the potentially fatal respiratory disease, Hantavirus, which was discovered in Maine for the first time recently.

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