Media highlight UMaine annual cooking competition for high schoolers

WABI (CBS 5 in Bangor) and WFVX (Fox 22/ABC 7 in Bangor) covered the fourth annual University of Maine Innovative Local Foods Cooking Challenge in Hitchner Hall on Thursday, April 25. University of Maine Cooperative Extension educator and professor Kathie Savoie and food science pilot plant manager Robert Dumas helped coordinate the competition. Eleanor Nery and Gwen Weaver from the Bath Regional Career and Technical Center placed first; Lucy Alexander and Alex Mullins from the Tri-County Technical Center were second; and Sadie Lee and Sean Crose from Region 2 School of Applied Technology placed third. Part of the Professional Development in Agricultural Literacy project, students from 10 Career Technical Education culinary arts programs participated in the competition and were visited throughout the school year to learn about nutrition and Maine’s food system.