Morgan Inman: Outstanding Graduating Student
Morgan Inman of Wales, Maine, is the Outstanding Graduating Student in the College of Education and Human Development. She is an elementary education major with a concentration in mathematics and a minor in business administration. During her time at UMaine, she produced a thesis for the Honors College titled “Sexuality Education In Central Maine High Schools: What’s Happening Now and What’s Changed In Two Decades.” The qualitative study examined sex education in central Maine high schools by interviewing teachers in those schools. Inman has also been involved with a local after-school and summer camp program for three years, acting as an assistant director for the program for the last two years. She is a Maine Top Scholar and recipient of the Galen Cole Family Foundation Teaching Scholarship. After graduating, Inman plans to enter the education field as a classroom teacher and pursue a master’s degree.
Why did you choose to come to UMaine?
There are many reasons why I chose to come to UMaine. The most impactful one would probably be the strong community UMaine cultivates in its students. There were so many opportunities to try new things and grow; that was what I wanted from my college experience.
Describe any research, internships, or scholarly pursuits in which you have participated.
During my time at UMaine, my primary research focus was my honors thesis. It is titled “Sexuality Education In Central Maine High Schools: What’s Happening Now and What’s Changed In Two Decades.” It is a qualitative study that examines sex education in central Maine high schools through interviews with teachers at these area schools.
A notable endeavor of mine has been my involvement in the local after-school and summer camp program: RAD. I have been working with RAD Camp for three years and have been an assistant director for two years. Working with students has been an extremely formative experience for me and has made me more confident in my abilities related to my future career. For field experiences in the past year, I have been in field placements in two local schools and have loved working with the students in those spaces.
I am a recipient of the Maine Top Scholar Scholarship, which I have held for all four years in college. For the past two years, I was a recipient of the Galen Cole Family Foundation Teaching Scholarship.
Beyond academics, what extracurricular activities have occupied your time?
I had the opportunity to participate in many extracurricular activities such as cheerleading, community service endeavors and Ultimate Frisbee. Ultimate Frisbee was definitely the most impactful of these experiences and is a hobby I will continue after graduation.
Have you worked closely with a mentor, professor or role model who made your time at UMaine better, and if so, how?
My greatest role model at UMaine is Dr. Sandra Caron. Getting to work with her has made me an overall more thoughtful and curious student. From how she holds the attention of a classroom to the sheer gravity of the research she has completed in her career, Dr. Caron embodies everything I admire and hope to be as a future academic and educator.
Did you have an experience at UMaine that shaped or changed how you see the world?
At UMaine, the Honors College civilizations sequence truly changed how I see the world and myself within it. I became inspired to speak out for what I believe in and advocate for myself. These classes laid the groundwork for who I would become both academically and personally.
Describe UMaine in one word and explain.
Dynamic. A dynamic force stimulates change or progress; dynamic can also be used to describe an entity with a positive attitude that is full of new and innovative ideas. To me, these two definitions describe the University of Maine and my experience in its undergraduate program best.
What are your plans for after you graduate?
After graduating, I plan to enter the education field and become a classroom teacher. From there, I plan to pursue a master’s degree and continue my education.
Contact: Shelby Hartin, shelby.hartin@maine.edu