Ferrini-Mundy named Business Leader of the Year by Mainebiz for fostering STEM education
Since her hire as president of the University of Maine in 2018, Joan Ferrini-Mundy has overseen one of UMaine’s largest periods of growth in engineering and computing. Mainebiz selected Ferrini-Mundy as a 2024 Business Leader of the Year and highlighted her achievements in a Q&A, including the unveiling of Ferland Engineering Education and Design Center and the upcoming Factory of the Future.
Ferrini-Mundy said in addition to her role as university president, as the vice chancellor of research and innovation with the University of Maine System, she focuses on how UMaine’s research and development mission serves the state and the next generation of workers. She explained the university’s attention to placing labs and classrooms side-by-side, her foothold in advancing diversity in STEM education and how the university is constantly investing to keep its facilities cutting-edge.
Read Ferrini-Mundy’s full interview on the Mainebiz website.
Contact: Shelby Hartin; shelby.hartin@maine.edu