Media share UMaine study about caring for children with serious mental illness
The Bangor Daily News, Mount Desert Islander and WMTW-TV (Channel 8 in Portland) featured a new University of Maine-led study that shows that parents raising children with serious mental illness and violent tendencies experience and express grief similar to those of children who have died, which informs how practitioners can help these caregivers cope with the stress. “Our research highlights the pervasive strains and stigma associated with loving and caring for a child who suffers from serious mental illness. For these parents in particular, they are not only mothers and fathers in mourning, but they are also survivors of domestic violence,” says Karyn Sporer, associate professor of sociology at UMaine. Yahoo! News, KMIZ-TV (Channel 17 in Columbia, Miss.) and KAKE-TV (ABC 10 in Wichita, Kan.) shared the WMTW report.