Jackson, Wilson featured in News Center Maine about women STEM professionals database
Tori Jackson, Extension professor of agriculture and natural resources, and Laura Wilson, 4-H science professional, both with University of Maine Cooperative Extension, were interviewed for a report about an international database with women around the world who are in science, technology, engineering or mathematics professions called FabFems. The directory allows students, parents and school counselors to connect with role models who can give guidance about next steps for those interested in pursuing STEM careers. Wilson told News Center Maine, “A lot of children in the state don’t necessarily know how to articulate their needs, and if they do, a lot of parents don’t know the next steps. For me, it’s exciting to see that eye-opening like, ‘Oh, I can do this, too,’ moment.” Jackson added, “”I’m no longer the only woman in the room almost ever, which is great.”