Media mention UMaine in stories about success of Maine Grains

The University of Maine was mentioned in an article that ran in the Portland Press Herald and on about sales at Skowhegan-based Maine Grains skyrocketing during the pandemic. Founder Amber Lambke said the business has had a 4,000% increase in online sales. She said the company’s collaborative business model is an example in rural areas. “One of the reasons why Maine is such a model right now for the revival of grains is the commitment to collaboration,” she said. That includes connecting with farmers and working alongside the University of Maine, which has been a key player in getting the money to focus on grains and their trials. A recent New York Times opinion column lauded the approach of Maine Grains. Rob Dumas, food science innovation coordinator and facility manager at UMaine, was included in a photo leading a discussion about grains. WVII (Channel 7) also reported this story.