Jarod Webb: Outstanding Graduating Student
Jarod Webb, of Milo, Maine, has been named the Outstanding Graduating Student in the College of Education and Human Development.
Webb is double-majoring in secondary education and English, with a concentration in analytical writing and a minor in psychology.
Cite your top three academic scholarships, achievements and awards:
University of Maine Presidential Scholarship and the Percy P. and Marion T. Archibald Scholarship.
Beyond academics, what extracurricular activities occupied your time?
I have been lucky enough to be a part of many amazing extracurricular activities throughout my time at UMaine. I have been the President of the Student Maine Education Association for the past three years, which has helped me connect to a lot of my peers in the College of Education [and Human Development] and showed me that I really am capable of taking charge of my own education. I am also a member of Kappa Delta Pi, an honor society for education majors. Lastly, I have served as a College of Education and Human Development Ambassador for the last three years as well, where I have been able to attend accepted student events and talk about the University of Maine. All of these things have been integral to my success at UMaine.
What are your plans after graduation?
I’m not 100% sure yet whether I want to attend grad school or if I want to head into the classroom right away. I had some really amazing student teaching experiences that made me excited about getting my own classroom. I’ll either continue my education here or I’ll move out into the field and teach English in either a high school or middle school setting.
What difference has UMaine made in your life and in helping you reach your goals?
UMaine has been a key part of my growth personally and professionally. Coming to UMaine was really scary as a first-generation college student from a very small town. It was a bit of a culture shock (even though I certainly don’t think of our campus as being huge anymore). But here, I’ve really come into my own. I have found success socially, professionally and educationally, which is really all I could have ever hoped for. I have met some of the best friends that I have ever had who I know will be around for the rest of my life. I also have confidence in myself and in my professional ability moving forward that I never would’ve thought possible. All of these are a result of the growth that I’ve experienced right here at UMaine.
Have you had an experience at UMaine that has changed or shaped the way you see the world?
I got the opportunity to go to the Oregon Shakespeare Festival during the summer of 2019 because of an independent study I was doing with Caroline Bicks, the Stephen E. King Chair in Literature. Because of the generosity of this fund, and our resident Shakespeare expert Professor Bicks, my friend and colleague Katie Dube and I got to attend a four-day Shakespeare workshop with three Shakespearean productions in southern Oregon. It was the farthest that I have ever been from home, which was really personally exciting. Spending that period of time with fellow Shakespeare lovers was also an incredible experience.
Why UMaine?
I picked UMaine initially because of its proximity to home and the absolutely gorgeous campus. I have stayed for the last four years because of how many incredible resources that are available and connections that I have made. I am so glad that I decided to come here four years ago.
How would you define the opportunities for student success at UMaine? Is there any particular initiative, program or set of resources that helped you succeed?
One of the best things about UMaine is that there are so many opportunities to succeed. From the tutoring center to mental health services and everything in between, you can immediately tell how much the university wants you to succeed.
Have you worked closely with a professor or mentor who made your UMaine experience better?
I have had the pleasure of working with so many mentor figures at the University of Maine! Here are some of the ones that come to mind: Dominick Varney, Faith Erhardt, Sally Molloy, Caroline Bicks, Laura Cowan, Asli Sezen-Barrie, Courtney Angelosante, Diane Jackson, Rich Kent, Karyn Field, Martha Gladstone and Kristen Shaw. I have gotten to work closely with a lot of these people and they have all really enriched my experience both educationally and personally.
What advice do you have for incoming students to help them get off to the best start academically?
Take advantage of every opportunity that UMaine has to help you succeed! Find the professors and faculty that you connect with — they are all wonderful people and you will be all the better for it. Most importantly, believe in yourself. If you stick to what makes you happy here, you will always stay above water. It goes so fast, so enjoy your experience while it’s happening and you’ll knock it out of the park.
Contact: Margaret Nagle, 207.581.3745