BDN interviews Knight about carbon-neutral beef

The Bangor Daily News interviewed Colt Knight, a livestock specialist with University of Maine Cooperative Extension, for the article, “The debate over how to raise beef without killing the planet.” There is a growing movement of “carbon-neutral” or “carbon-negative” beef producers who aim to take advantage of the natural interplay between large grazing animals and their pastures, the article states. “There is not a wealth of knowledge on this topic yet, but it’s something being explored,” said Knight. “Scientific data on this seems to indicate that we very well might be able to [produce carbon-neutral beef], depending on what type of grass they’re grazed on, where they’re grazed [and] soil types.” But more research will need to be done to avoid haphazard changes that could disrupt the industry, according to Knight. “Some people just think sustainability [means] all-natural or doing things the old way,” he said. “The reason we quit doing things the old way is because we got more efficient. We can definitely make improvements, and we’re doing that, and we have been doing that for the last 100 years.”