Boothbay Register, Wiscasset Newspaper report DMC students take touch tank to Pemaquid festival
Boothbay Register and Wiscasset Newspaper published a University of Maine Darling Marine Center news release about Semester by the Sea students running a touch tank at the Pemaquid Oyster Festival in September. The free festival included educational exhibits, vendors, music and oysters. Each year, the Semester by the Sea volunteers bring the touch tank to the festival. “I really like figuring out how to translate my knowledge of marine science,” said Brynn Yarbrough, a UMaine senior marine sciences student. “It’s a good thing for this to be part of SBS; it’s important for a scientist to be able to explain things to a member of the public.” Semester by the Sea is a hands-on, field-oriented residential program of the School of Marine Sciences based at the DMC in Walpole. It’s geared to prepare students for a career and/or to pursue an advanced degree in marine and environmental sciences. Participants can take courses in marine ecology, scientific diving, fisheries science, microbiology and oceanography, among others. Lectures, labs and field trips are scheduled around the tides.