BDN interviews Jackson about importance of farmers

Tori Jackson, a professor of agriculture and natural resources with University of Maine Cooperative Extension, spoke with the Bangor Daily News for the article “If you enjoy food and clothing, you know why farmers are important.” Jackson, who works with farmers around Maine, said beyond growing crops, farmers provide an important link between people and the land. “Farmers help keep us connected to the land,” she said. “Even if the only relationship a person has with a farmer is through buying food at the store, that food still connects that consumer back to the farmland.” When that connection is acknowledged and appreciated, Jackson said, nonfarmers become aware of the importance of farmland and its preservation. “Farmers also maintain open spaces, often for the benefit of others,” Jackson said. “In the winter or in other nongrowing seasons many farmers allow recreational activities on their land.” Part of their place in a community is what they bring to the economy, Jackson said.