Nominations sought for 2019 Outstanding Professional Employee Award

The University of Maine’s Professional Employees Advisory Council (PEAC) seeks nominations for the 2019 Outstanding Professional Employee Award.

The award honors a professional employee whose actions and achievements beyond normal work responsibilities have provided outstanding service to their field, the university, and the community as a whole.

In recognition of this employee’s accomplishments and contributions, a cash stipend of $1,000 is presented to the award recipient.

Award criteria and the nomination form are online.

One professional employee will be selected by the PEAC to receive the award, which will be presented at the annual Employee Recognition and Awards Luncheon on April 23.

Nomination forms and the required letters of recommendation should be mailed to PEAC, Outstanding Professional Employee Award Subcommittee, c/o Michael Swartz, subcommittee chair, 101F Service Building; or emailed to

The deadline for submission is 4 p.m. March 22.