Jumars’ textbook published by Cambridge Scholars
“Viscous Flow Environments in Oceans and Inland Waters,” a textbook by Professor Emeritus Pete Jumars, has been published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Jumars says understanding how water moves is fundamental to the biology, chemistry and geology of oceans and inland waters.
And while small-scale fluid dynamics is taught primarily in graduate engineering programs, Jumars says students need earlier and easier access to this information.
He focuses on flows that dominate small scales in oceans and inland waters, including those that influence feeding behaviors of mussels, or the movements of larval lobster. Jumars employs a relatively simple math to quantify these small-scale flows and provide a basic understanding of fluid behavior to nonspecialists.
The book is a compilation of teaching methods and materials that he developed over decades at the University of Maine Darling Marine Center.
In his hands-on, flow tank-based upper-level undergraduate Semester by the Sea course “Design of Marine Organisms,” students investigated a range of physical ocean environments and the mechanisms organisms use to live in those conditions.
“My intent is to equip the reader with some of the tools and all the curiosity needed to explore more advanced treatments of fluid dynamics,” he says.
The book is available through Cambridge Scholars; buyers using the code OCEAN20 get a 20-percent discount. The book also is available through Amazon and other retailers. For more information, contact orders@cambridgescholars.com.