Yang co-lead author of paper on toughening graphene, media report

Yingchao Yang, an assistant professor of mechanical engineering, is a co-lead author of the paper, “Toughening Graphene by Integrating Carbon Nanotubes,” according to a release from Rice University. Yang worked with a team of researchers from Rice University, Brown University and others to test fracture-resistant rebar graphene, which was developed at Rice in 2014. Graphene is a one-atom-thick sheet of carbon, which is stronger than steel but prone to tearing because it is so thin, according to the release. Rebar graphene uses carbon nanotubes for reinforcement, and the researchers found it is more than twice as strong as pristine, or unreinforced, graphene. The material has potential for use in flexible electronics, electrically active wearables and other devices. Research & Development magazine, Phys.org, EurekAlert, Photonics Online, Futurity and SciTechDaily carried the release, and AZoNano adapted the release.