BDN features outdoors course at Bryant Pond 4-H Camp

University of Maine Bryant Pond 4-H Camp director Ron Fournier and educator Gary Proulx were mentioned in a Bangor Daily News feature about the Becoming an Outdoors-Woman course at the University of Maine Bryant Pond 4-H Camp and Learning Center. Fournier helped organize the February event and Proulx demonstrated how to set a fishing line on a trap so bait was positioned in a good spot to catch cusk. Forty women took courses in snowmobiling, wildlife tracking, maple sugaring, clay shooting, muzzleloading and fire cooking, according to the article. For more than 20 years, the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife has hosted BOW workshops in spring, fall and winter at the University of Maine Bryant Pond 4-H Camp and Learning Center, according to the article.