‘Think 30’ Academic Affairs Faculty Forum slated Feb. 16

Jeffrey Hecker, University of Maine’s executive vice president for academic affairs and provost, will lead the next Academic Affairs Faculty Forum at 3 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 16 in the Bangor Room of the Memorial Union.

Over the past four academic years, the Office of the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost often in collaboration with the Faculty Senate, has hosted a series of Academic Affairs Faculty Forums. The forums are designed to create a venue for meaningful sharing of ideas about important initiatives in Academic Affairs.

Collaboration between the faculty and administration of the university is essential to meet strategic goals. The topic of the Feb. 16 forum is “Think 30 and Beyond: Next Steps in Support of Student Success.”

A website is available to extend the collaboration beyond the public meeting. After the forum, a recording of the event will be added, as well as a space where faculty and staff members can submit reactions, comments or questions.