Stack’s advice cited in Press Herald ‘Maine Gardener’ column

Lois Berg Stack, an ornamental horticulture specialist with the University of Maine Cooperative Extension, was mentioned in the latest column in the Portland Press Herald “Maine Gardener” series. In the article, “In landscape design, consider function as well as beauty,” the author wrote about attending a two-day session as part of landscape design school. “A landscape can be beautiful as well as highly functional,” Stack said during the session. As an example, she described a line of red pines along one edge of her home that is attractive and serves to define the border, according to the article. “Those pines provide wind protection on our property over an area that is eight times their height,” she said. The trees make her home warmer in winter, allowing her to grow plants that otherwise might not be able to survive Maine’s cold climate, and they offer shelter to animals, the article states.