Solon resident receives 4-H Volunteer Outstanding Lifetime Award, WABI, WVII report

WABI (Channel 5) and WVII (Channel 7) reported Eleanor Pooler of Solon was awarded the 4-H Volunteer Outstanding Lifetime Award. The University of Maine Cooperative Extension 4-H Youth Development Program presented the award during a luncheon at UMaine on Wednesday. Pooler has led the Solon Pine Tree 4-H Club for 51 years. She joined Franklin County’s Tough Nuts 4-H Club at age 10 and the Franklin County Dairy 4-H Club three years later. At 19, she became a 4-H volunteer leader. Pooler told WABI her greatest accomplishment has been working with youth. “Really it’s a great honor,” she said, adding she has no plans to retire soon. Bangor Metro also published an article on Pooler and her most recent award.