Fuller speaks with BDN about importance of sustainability for fiddleheads

David Fuller, an agriculture and nontimber forest products professional and fiddlehead expert with the University of Maine Cooperative Extension, spoke with the Bangor Daily News for an article about northern Maine entrepreneurs who are in the fiddlehead business. Fuller, who has spent years studying fiddleheads, spoke about the importance of sustainability when harvesting a wild plant. Savvy pickers know where the best spots are, he said, and return every year, which can be a problem. Between 2005 and 2008, Fuller compared harvesting methods among three fiddlehead plots. In the plots where no or half the fiddleheads were harvested, Fuller said the same number of plants came up the following season. “But where I picked everything, after three years, 90 percent of those plants were dead,” he said. “If we have people going back to the same spots every year and taking everything, over time there will be less and less fiddleheads.”