Robin Avery named 2016 Outstanding Professional Employee
Robin Avery, University Forest operations manager for the past 19 years, will receive the 2016 Outstanding Professional Employee Award.
The annual award, presented by UMaine’s Professional Employees Advisory Council, recognizes dedication to serving others, the highest level of professional services and standards within disciplines or areas of responsibility, a commitment to creating a better campus environment and significant public service contributions.
The Outstanding Professional Employee Award will be presented at the Employee Recognition and Awards Ceremony, 11:30 a.m.–1 p.m., April 8 at Wells Conference Center.
Avery has helped shape the management of 13,500 acres of forestland owned by the UMaine and the University of Maine Foundation, including the 1,740-acre Dwight B. Demeritt Forest in Orono and Old Town. In his personal and professional commitment to responsible stewardship of forest resources, he also has influenced the education and careers of many UMaine forestry majors, and provided essential support to School of Forest Resources researchers. Avery also has mentored students employed by the University Forest Office to help safely and sustainably manage the woodlands — young workers whose hands-on experience makes them sought-after in the industry. In his work, Avery can be found consulting with logging contractors, leading demonstrations for classes in the School of Forest Resources and introducing third graders to maple sugaring activities in the University Forest.
Avery is well-respected for his deep roots in forestry and his Maine work ethic, and his knowledge of Maine forests, wildlife management, road construction and forest operations. He grew up in a Marsh Island logging family and worked as a logging contractor before joining the UMaine community. For the past two decades, Avery has been active in Maine’s Certified Logging Professionals (CLP), a program dedicated to training and certifying loggers in safe, efficient and environmentally sound logging practices. Avery is a CLP board member and instructor. His leadership, including curriculum development, has helped promote professionalism, and decrease injuries and fatalities in the state’s logging industry.
Avery also is a registered Maine Guide and serves on the wildlife board of Downeast Lakes Land Trust. Throughout his career, Avery’s expertise has been tapped for numerous committees of the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife.